
Your world is nicknamed the mother of misfortune

دنياك تكنى بأم دفر

1. Your world is nicknamed the mother of misfortune
People do not consider it a kind mother

١. دُنياكَ تُكنى بِأُمِّ دَفرٍ
لَم يَكنِها الناسُ أُمَّ طيبِ

2. So listen to a glorious caller
Who stood on its fresh branch

٢. فَأذَن إِلى هاتِفٍ مُجيدٍ
قامَ عَلى غُصنِهِ الرَطيبِ

3. To the sensible among us
More eloquent than a preaching orator

٣. يَكونُ عِندَ اللَبيبِ مِنّا
أَبلَغَ مِن واعِظٍ خَطيبِ

4. He swears the nights were not generous
Except with poison for us, how terrible

٤. يَحلِفُ ما جادَت اللَيالي
إِلّا بِسُمٍّ لَنا قَطيبِ