
O shepherd of affection whose deeds

يا راعي الود الذي أفعاله

1. O shepherd of affection whose deeds
Sing of their essence without description

١. يا راعيَ الوُدّ الذي أفعالُهُ
تُغني بظاهرِ أمرِها عن نَعتِها

2. Had you lived I'd not have severed you so apologize
To me for the intimacy with its people

٢. لو كنتَ حيّاً ما قَطعتُك فاعتذِرْ
عني إليكَ لخُلّةٍ بأمَتّها

3. The earth knows I manipulate
Over it as though I were beneath it

٣. فالأرْضُ تَعلَمُ أنّني مُتَصرّفٌ
من فوْقِها وكأنّني من تَحتِها

4. The world betrayed me and every companion
I accompanied betrayed like the north betrays its sister

٤. غَدَرَتْ بيَ الدّنيا وكلُّ مصاحبٍ
صاحبتُهُ غَدْرَ الشّمالِ بأُختِها

5. It craved the avarice yet revealed
My hatred for what it revealed of its hatred

٥. شُغفتْ بوامقِها الحَريصِ وأظهرَتْ
مَقتي لِما أظهَرْتُهُ من مَقتِها

6. No beauty lacks a critic, and I have
No critics but the wretchedness of its fate

٦. لا بُدّ للحَسناءِ من ذامٍ ولا
ذامٌ لنَفسِي غَيرَ سَيّئِ بَخْتِها

7. I made you partner in the most intimate places
And wandered in the valley of sorrows and its pits

٧. ولقد شرِكتُكَ في أساكَ مُشاطِراً
وحَللتُ في وادي الهمومِ وخَبتِها

8. After the third separation I disliked
The ways of condolence for the change in its traits

٨. وكرِهتُ من بعدِ الثلاثِ تجَشُّمي
طُرُقَ العزاءِ على تغيّرِ سَمتِها

9. And I must perform my prayers after
Missing them if I did not do them on time

٩. وعليّ أنْ أقضِي صَلاتي بَعدما
فاتَتْ إذا لم آتِها في وَقْتِها

10. The turns of fate as you knew are silent
About us and every expression in its silence

١٠. إنّ الصّروفَ كما علِمتَ صَوَامتٌ
عَنّا وكل عبارَةٍ في صَمتِها

11. A jurisprudent, if you consult him, of fate
A person's soul does not evade its crime

١١. مُتَفَقّهٌ للدّهرِ إنْ تَسْتَفْتِهِ
نَفسُ امرئٍ عن جُرمه لا يُفْتِها

12. And sins upon the lad are like leaves
And his afflictions winds blowing their edges

١٢. وتكونُ كالوَرَقِ الذّنوبُ على الفتى
ومُصابُهُ ريحٌ تهُبّ لِحَتّها

13. May your Lord reward you with heavens for this
Is an abode though it looks good in its plateau

١٣. جازاكَ رَبّكَ بالجِنانِ فهَذِهِ
دارٌ وإنْ حَسُنَتْ تغُرّ بسُحتِها

14. Lost is he who said the countries are ancient
In nature, they and the people were like its plants

١٤. ضَلّ الذي قال البلادُ قديمةٌ
بالطّبعِ كانتْ والأنامُ كنَبتِها

15. And ahead of us is a day its oopulence
Rises after the testing of bones and their decay

١٥. وأمامنا يوْمٌ تقُومُ هُجُودُهُ
من بَعدِ إبلاءِ العِظامِ ورَفْتِها

16. Time that harmed us must when
The ropes of kinship strengthened from its core

١٦. لا بُدّ للزّمَنِ المُسيءِ بنا إذا
قَوِيَتْ حبالُ أُخوّةٍ من بتّها

17. May God have mercy on those who passed excelling
And protect you from grave afflictions and their severity

١٧. فاللّهُ يَرْحَمُ مَن مضَى مُتَفَضِّلاً
ويقيك من جَزل الخطوب وشَختِها

18. And prolong your life for a friend for its length
Is reason for the enemies' fury and suppression

١٨. ويُطيلُ عمركَ للصّديق فطولُهُ
سبَبٌ إلى غَيظِ العُداةِ وكَبتِها