
People attained all they were destined

الناس بالأقدار نالوا كل ما

1. People attained all they were destined
Not given beyond their destinies

١. الناسُ بِالأَقدارِ نالوا كُلَّ ما
رُزِقوا وَلَم يُعطَوا عَلى الأَقدارِ

2. The heart reveals secrets, yet underneath
Are two covers, its chest and interior

٢. وَالسِرُّ يُظهِرُهُ الفُؤادُ وَدونَهُ
سِترانِ مِن صَدرٍ لَهُ وَصِدارِ

3. Palm trees fruit when their blooms grow moist
The moon eclipses on the night it wanes

٣. وَالنَخلُ يُجنى حينَ يُرطِّبُ زَهوَه
وَالبَدرُ يُكسَفُ لَيلَةَ الإِبدارِ

4. A fault of his whose garb scantly hides him
Though he spends the night behind a wall

٤. كاسٍ لَهُ حُلَلٌ وَعارٍ مَن لَهُ
لَو باتَ يَستُرُ شَخصَهُ بِجِدارِ

5. Let no worshipper despair reward
From God, in earning and dispensing

٥. لا يَيأَسَنَّ مِنَ الثَوابِ مُراقِبٌ
لِلَّهِ في الإيرادِ وَالإِصدارِ

6. You see wonders when you feel closely
Requital is not in this present world

٦. فَتَرى بَدائِعَ أَنبَأَت مُتَحَسِّساً
أَنَّ الجَزاءَ بِغَيرِ هَذي الدارِ