
The people may be fair to their leader in some matters

قد ينصف القوم في الأشياء سيدهم

1. The people may be fair to their leader in some matters
And if they could find fault, they would find fault

١. قَد يُنصِفُ القَومُ في الأَشياءِ سَيِّدَهُم
وَلَو أَطاقوا لَهُ ريباً لَرابوهُ

2. They were not able to face him with any evil
In speech, so when he was absent they found fault

٢. لَم يَقدِروا أَن يُلاقوهُ بِسَيِّئَةٍ
مِنَ الكَلامِ فَلَمّا غابَ عابوهُ

3. They spoke of his hidden weaknesses
And faced him with reverence, in awe of him

٣. تَحَدَّثوا بِمَخازيهِ مُكَتَّمَةً
وَقابَلوهُ بِإِجلالٍ وَهابوهُ

4. And how much they intended harm for him in days of misfortune
From time, but they did not reach him

٤. وَكَم أَرادوا لَهُ كَيداً بِيَومِ رَدىً
مِنَ الزَمانِ وَلَكِن ما أَصابوهُ

5. When his good fortune waned, they blamed him
And if abundance had continued, they would have visited and turned to him

٥. أَكدى فَلاموهُ لَمّا قَلَّ نائِلُهُ
وَلَو حَبا الوَفرُ زاروهُ وَنابوهُ

6. Have a little patience, for death will take him
And nothing remains - neither hawk nor toes

٦. صَبراً قَليلاً فَإِنَّ المَوتَ آخِذُهُ
وَما يُخَلَّفُ لا صَقرٌ وَلابوهُ

7. The sons of Eve answered the call of the rich man out of greed
And if a poor man called them, they would not answer him

٧. لَبّى الغنِيَّ بَنو حَوّاءَ مِن طَمَعٍ
وَلَو دَعاهُم فَقيرٌ ما أَجابوهُ