
Dwelling in the cave of Amaya's plateaus

بالغار من هضبي عماية نازل

1. Dwelling in the cave of Amaya's plateaus
His fire continues blazing in the cave

١. بِالغارِ مِن هَضبَي عَمايَةَ نازِلٌ
ما زالَ توقَدُ نارُهُ بِالغارِ

2. And the big things bring about others
Then bring them back described as small

٢. وَكَبائِرُ الأَشياءِ تُحدِثُ غَيرَها
فَتُعيدُها مَوصوفَةً بِصِغارِ

3. And the caves of this life tear apart its horses
Reasons a rope for life in the cave

٣. وَمَغارُ هَذا الدَهرُ تَقطَعُ خَيلُهُ
أَسبابُ حَبلٍ لِلحَياةِ مُغارِ

4. Do not be stingy to your friend if he desires
A friend other than you so you become stingy and jealous

٤. لا تَبخَلِنَّ عَلى خَليلِكِ إِن بَغى
خِلّاً سِواكِ فَتُبخَلي وَتُغاري

5. Do not make one Indian despise another Indian
The small connected to smallness

٥. لا يَجعَلَنَّ هِنداً هُنَيدَةً فُوَكَ فَالتَ
صغيرُ مَقرونٌ إِلى الإِصغارِ

6. Verily al-Thuria, when she made small her words
The people of simplicity drew near to smallness

٦. إِنَّ الثُرَيّا حينَ صَغَّرَ لَفظَها
أَهلُ البَسيطَةِ مادَنَت لِصَغارِ