1. O Saad! Indeed Abu Saad's mind
Has come to think of pigeons as naught but vulva
١. يا سَعدُ إِنَّ أَبا سَعدٍ لَحادِثُهُ
أَمسى الحِمامُ يُسَمّى عِندَهُ فَرَجا
2. And the soul is a subtle thing beyond the grasp
Of reason, though it dwells within a man's frame
٢. وَالروحُ شَيءٌ لَطيفٌ لَيسَ يُدرِكُهُ
عَقلٌ وَيَسكُنُ مِن جِسمِ الفَتى حَرَجا
3. Glory to your Lord! Does awareness remain with one
Who encounters what he encounters when he sets forth?
٣. سُبحانَ رَبِّكَ هَل يَبقى الرَشادُ لَهُ
وَهَل يُحِسُّ بِما يَلقى إِذا خَرَجا
4. That is a light which beautifies the bodies it occupies
As you have seen beneath a lamp in the dark of night
٤. وَذاكَ نورٌ لِأَجسادٍ يُحَسِّنُها
كَما تَبَيَّنتَ تَحتَ اللَيلَةِ السُرُجا
5. Some of his circle said it stays with his corpse
Others, that it goes when one encounters the path
٥. قالَت مَعاشِرُ يَبقى عِندَ جُثَّتِهِ
وَقالَ ناسٌ إِذ لاقى الرَدى عَرَجا
6. And there is no soul, once grasped,
That yearns for those left in its perfumed wake
٦. وَلَيسَ في الإِنسِ مِن نَفسٍ إِذا قُبِضَت
سافَ الَّذينَ لَدَيها طِيَبَها الأَرِجا
7. And the man most fortunate in this life is one with renunciation
Who forsook it and was called as he climbed the stairs
٧. وَأَسعَدُ الناسِ بِالدُنيا أَخو زُهدٍ
نافى بَنيها وَنادوا إِذ مَضى دَرَجا