1. I see things that have no permanence
Our bodies are but vegetation
١. أَرى الأَشياءَ لَيسَ لَها ثَباتُ
وَما أَجسادُنا إِلّا نَباتُ
2. By God's will, destinies divide
Due to their nature, permanence unites
٢. بِإِذنِ اللَهِ تَفتَرِقُ البَرايا
لِطيَّتِها وَتَجتَمِعُ الثُباتُ
3. Did the staffs of Moses observe their Sabbath
Or was that stillness but slumber?
٣. أَجَلَّت سَبتَها أَشياعُ موسى
أَسَبتُ القَطعِ ذاكَ أَم السُباتُ
4. I asked about the early risers, where did they go?
And the spiritual ones, where did they spend the night?
٤. سَأَلتُ عَنِ البَواكِرِ أَينَ أَضحَت
وَعَن أَهلِ التَرَوُّحِ أَينَ باتوا
5. Are the souls of mankind anything but
Subject to destiny, not personal choice?
٥. وَهَل أَرواحُ هَذا الخَلقِ إِلّا
عَوارِيُّ المَقادِرِ لا الهِباتُ
6. Our hours always hate us
Yet they are dear to the soul
٦. تَبَغَّضُ ساعُنا أَبَداً إِلَينا
وَهُنَّ إِلى النُفوسِ مُحَبَّباتُ
7. Steeds that always have a lover
Ships that draw near a companion
٧. جِيادٌ ما يَزالُ لَها خَبيبٌ
قَوارِبُ بِالأَنيسِ مُقَرِّباتُ
8. Who will defend the protected ones
And the ladies of the house of Chosroes
٨. وَمَن يُحمى وَنُسوَةُ آلِ كِسرى
وُقوفٌ بِالعَراءِ مُسَلَّباتُ
9. Who stand exposed in the wilderness
Stripped bare
٩. وَما يَدري الفَتى وَالظَنُّ جَهلٌ
وَأَقضِيَةُ المَليكِ مُغَيَّباتُ
10. The youth does not know, guessing is ignorance
And the decrees of the King are hidden
١٠. لَعَلَّ بَناتِ نَعشٍ وَالثُرَيّا
وَشَرقَةَ لِلرَدى مُتَأَهِّباتُ