1. When a young man dislikes singing girls and fears
The sickness that comes back and pains his feeding,
١. وَإِذا الفَتى كَرِهَ الغَواني وَاِتَّقى
مَرَضاً يَعودُ وَضَرَّهُ ما يُطعَمُ
2. Then life has turned away from him, and the one who said
He sleeps fulfilled is lying.
٢. فَقَدِ اِنطَوَت عَنهُ الحَياةُ وَكاذِبٌ
مَن قالَ عَنهُ يَبيتُ وَهوَ مُنَعَّمُ
3. He rode the days against their will
To the baths, and saw death holds no dread.
٣. رَكِبَ الزَمانَ إِلى الحِمامِ بِرُغمِهِ
وَرَأى المَنِيَّةَ لَيسَ فيها مَرغَمُ