
Your rule is fire, if just it benefits

سلطانك النار إن تعدل فنافعة

1. Your rule is fire, if just it benefits
Yet if oppressive, it harms and burns

١. سُلطانُكَ النارُ إِن تَعدِل فَنافِعَةٌ
وَإِن تَجُر فَلَها ضَيرٌ وَإِحراقُ

2. And the sea, though it gives you gain
Its drowning and sinking cannot be fully trusted

٢. وَقُربَهُ اللُجُّ إِن أَعطاكَ فائِدَةً
فَلَيسَ يُؤمَنُ إِهلاكٌ وَإِغراقُ

3. Wealth is sustenance, he who attains it profits
Not satisfied by coveting and forcing it out

٣. وَالمالُ رِزقٌ فَمَن يُدرِكهُ يَحظَ بِهِ
وَلَيسَ يُغنيكَ إِشآمٌ وَإِعراقُ

4. Truth is like the sun, and its adversaries are its shadows
It needs no eyes to behold its rising

٤. وَالحَقُّ كَالشَمسِ وارَتها حَنادِسُها
فَما لَها في عُيونِ الناسِ إِشراقُ