
Come sustainer of the living, quickly,

تعالى رازق الأحياء طرا

1. Come sustainer of the living, quickly,
Modesty and shame have certainly perished.

١. تَعالى رازِقُ الأَحياءِ طُرّاً
لَقَد وَهَتِ المُروءةُ وَالحَياءُ

2. And death is the rest of Hibraizi,
A fatal disease has harmed his mind.

٢. وَإِنَّ المَوتَ راحَةُ هِبرِزِيٍّ
أَضَرَّ بِلُبِّهِ داءٌ عَياءُ

3. Why am I not the advisor of my own self,
And my affairs do not obey advisors?

٣. وَما لي لا أَكونُ وَصيَّ نَفسي
وَلا تَعصي أُمورِيَ الأَوصِياءُ

4. I have searched for people of faith,
Who have devotion but no pretense.

٤. وَقَد فَتَّشتُ عَن أَصحابِ دينٍ
لَهُم نُسكٌ وَلَيسَ لَهُم رِياءُ

5. I found beasts without intellects,
No evidence can guide them nor light.

٥. فَأَلفَيتُ البَهائِمَ لاعُقولٌ
تُقيمُ لَها الدَليلَ وَلا ضِياءُ

6. And brothers of wit in affectation,
As if they were prophets to a nation.

٦. وَإِخوانَ الفَطانَةِ في اِختِيالٍ
كَأَنَّهُمُ لَقَومٍ أَنبِياءُ

7. As for the latter they are scheming folk,
And as for the first they are fools.

٧. فَأَمّا هَؤُلاءِ فَأَهلُ مَكرٍ
فَأَمّا الأَوَّلونَ فَأَغبِياءُ

8. If piety is confused and dimwitted,
Then the most pious are the lowliest.

٨. فَإِن كانَ التُقى بَلَهاً وَعِيّاً
فَأَعيارُ المَذَلَّةِ أَتقِياءُ

9. And more rightly guided than you is a one-eyed camel
Bowed under a burden, blown by rough winds.

٩. وَأَرشَدُ مِنكَ أَجرَبُ تَحتَ عِبءٍ
تَهُبُّ عَلَيهِ ريحٌ جِربِياءُ

10. I have found all people to be poor,
And the wealthy are absent among mankind.

١٠. وَجَدتُ الناسُ كُلُّهُمُ فَقيرٌ
وَيُعدَمُ في الأَنامِ الأَغنِياءُ

11. We love life, hating death,
Yet we are miserable by what we desire.

١١. نُحِبُّ العَيشَ بُغضاً لِلمَنايا
وَنَحنُ بِما هَوينا الأَشقِياءُ

12. A man dies having no loyal friend,
Though yesterday the loyal were magnificent.

١٢. يَموتُ المَرءُ لَيسَ لَهُ صَفيٌّ
وَقَبلَ اليَومِ عَزَّ الأَصفِياءُ

13. Do you know that the sun has splendor,
Then regrets that dusk takes it away?

١٣. أَتَدري الشَمسُ أَنَّ لَها بَهاءً
فَتَأسَفَ أَن يُفارِقَها الأَياءُ