1. Fate has passed me by, going away,
So I have become eternal until eternity has bored me.
١. تَجاوَزَت عَنِيَّ الأَقدارُ ذاهِبَةً
فَقَد تَأَبَّدتُ حَتّى مَلَّني الأَبَدُ
2. My eyelids are not a barrier when rain pours down
From clouds of misfortune.
٢. وَلَيسَ هُدبا جُفوني ريشَتَي سُبَدٍ
إِذا تَمَطَّرَ تَحتَ العارِضِ السَبَد
3. We complain to God that we are of evil disposition
We are slaves, and servitude is in our noses.
٣. نَشكو إِلى اللَهِ أَنّا سَيِّئو شِيَمٍ
نَحنُ العَبيدُ وَفي آنافِنا عَبَدُ
4. A person wrongs himself and dwells in error,
Thinking it is honey while it is injustice and gloom.
٤. وَالمَرءُ ظالِمُ نَفسٍ تَجتَني مَقِرّاً
يَظُنُّهُ الشَهدَ وَالظُلمانُ تَهتَبِدُ
Bodies remain confined until
٥. وَما تَزالُ جُسومٌ في مَحابِسِها
حَتّى يُفَرَّجَ عَن أَكبادِها الكَبَدُ
6. Their livers are relieved of grief.
I drank the coffee of worries, its cup is my eternity,
٦. شَرِبتُ قَهوَةَ هَمٍّ كَأسُها خَلَدي
وَفي المَفارِقِ مِمّا اِطَّلَعَت زَبَدُ
7. And in farewells from what has surfaced is foam.
So make your swords my pillage, though no camels weep,
٧. فَاِجعَل سَوامَكَ نُهبى ما بَكَت إِبلٌ
مَثوى لَبيدٍ وَلا أَوبارُها اللُبُدُ
8. A dwelling for Labid, not his camel litter.
٨. وَالمُلكُ يَفنى وَلا يَبقى لِمالِكِهِ
أَودى اِبنُ عادٍ وَأَودى نَسرُهُ لُبَدُ
9. Kingship perishes and nothing remains for its owner.
The courts of the son of Aad perished, and his lofty nest.
٩. صَيِّر عَتادَكَ تَقوى اللَهِ تَذخَرُها
فَما يُنَجّيكَ مِنهُ السابِحُ العَتَدُ