
I see the son of Abi Is'haq worn by vicissitudes,

أرى ابن أبي إسحاق أسحقه الردى

1. I see the son of Abi Is'haq worn by vicissitudes,
And the life of Abu 'Amr has reached its inevitable end.

١. أَرى اِبنَ أَبي إِسحاقَ أَسحَقَهُ الرَدى
وَأَدرَكَ عُمرُ الدَهرِ نَفسَ أَبي عَمرِو

2. They boasted of a matter they made as profits,
Yet it recoiled on them as the most paltry of affairs -

٢. تَباهَوا بِأَمرٍ صَيَّروهُ مَكاسِباً
فَعادَ عَلَيهِم بِالخَسيسِ مِنَ الأَمرِ

3. With a gift of clothes or a petty sum
Of sustenance, neither ample bounty nor overflowing favours.

٣. بِكُسوَةِ بُردٍ أَو بِإِعطاءِ بُلغَةٍ
مِنَ العَيشِ لا جَمِّ العَطاءِ وَلا غَمرِ

4. And they did nothing, but disputed
Futilities that disappear like glowing embers.

٤. وَلَم يَصنَعوا شَيئاً وَلَكِن تَنازَعوا
أَباطيلَ تُضحي مِثلَ هامِدَةِ الجَمرِ

5. So God does not let sincere efforts go to waste,
And he who strives therein need not fear loss.

٥. فَلا يُضِعِ اللَهُ المَساعِيَ في التُقى
فَمَن يَسعَ فيها لا يَخَف غَبَنَ القَمرِ

6. Did not the Kufan say this in asceticism, similar to
What the Basran sang in describing wine?

٦. أَما قالَهُ الكوفيُّ في الزُهدِ مِثلَ ما
تَغَنّى بِهِ البَصرِيُّ في صِفَةِ الخَمرِ