1. Reason tells you, who made clear the path of guidance
That if you do not ward off an enemy, leave his home
١. يَقولُ لَكَ العَقلُ الَّذي بَيَّنَ الهُدى
إِذا أَنتَ لَم تَدرَء عَدُوّاً فَدارِهِ
2. And kiss the hand of the wrongdoer, whom you do not have the power
To cut it off, and watch the collapse of his wall
٢. وَقَبِّل يَدَ الجاني الَّذي لَستَ واصِلاً
إِلى قَطعِها وَاِنظُر سُقوطَ جِدارِهِ
3. For time is but a bird that travels far
So seize it, for all inhibitions are in its dwellings
٣. وَما الوَقتُ إِلّا طائِرٌ يَأخُذُ المَدى
فَبادِرهُ إِذ كُلُّ النُهى في بِدارِهِ
4. The righteous saw you a wrongdoer, O son of Adam
And wretched is the lad when he wrongs with power
٤. رَأَتكَ البَرايا ظالِماً يا اِبنَ آدَمٍ
وَبِئسَ الفَتى مَن جارَ عِندَ اِقتِدارِهِ
5. He caused harm to a neighbor and one far away
And from him a wretched one felt safe in his ruins
٥. وَنالَت أَذاةٌ عَنهُ جاراً وَنائِياً
وَأُمِّنَ مِنهُ ضَيغَمٌ في خِدارِهِ
6. The exile of two homes, he mistook it for its goodness
And the exile of his home did not feel secure from his afflictions
٦. وَفارَةُ دارينِ اِفتَراها لِطيبِهِ
وَما أَمِنَت بَلواهُ فارَةُ دارِهِ
7. He remains ignorant until he asks the revolving heavens
How its orbit began revolving above it
٧. وَيَجهَلُ حَتّى يَسأَلَ الفَلَكَ الَّذي
يَدورُ عَلَيهِ كَيفَ بَدءُ مَدارِهِ
8. He converses with the night star in ignorance as if
He is ascending in its descent, despite the great distance
٨. يُحاوِرُ نَجمَ اللَيلِ جَهلاً كَأَنَّهُ
عَلى طولِ نَأيٍ طالِعٌ في اِنحِدارِهِ
9. And there remained in the chests burning coals of resentment
I wonder that they did not ignite within his chest
٩. وَما بَرِحَت في الصِدرِ لِلضَغنِ أَنؤُرٌ
عَجِبتُ لَها لَم تَشتَعِل في صِدارِهِ