
O my body, do not despair of decay

أيا جسدي لا تجزعن من البلى

1. O my body, do not despair of decay
When you become dust and scattered remains

١. أَيا جَسَدي لا تَجزَعَنَّ مِنَ البِلى
إِذا صِرتَ في الغَبراءِ تُحثى وَتُنبِثُ

2. Though this body before its dissolution
Was wicked, the deed is more evil and corrupt

٢. وَإِن كانَ هَذا الجِسمُ قَبلَ اِفتِراقِهِ
خَبيثاً فَإِنَّ الفِعلَ شَرٌّ وَأَحبَثُ

3. The shoulders of my hours I rode
Seeking in vain, and time's march does not linger

٣. مَناكِبَ ساعاتي رُكِبَت فَأَبتَغي
لَباثاً وَسَيرُ الدَهرِ لا يَتَلَبَّثُ

4. A day and a night I oscillated between them
As if I were a worthless thread grasping

٤. نَهارٌ وَلَيلٌ عوقِبا أَنا فيهُما
كَأَنّي بِخَيطَي باطِلٍ أَتَشَبَّثُ

5. I think my time, its existence and corruption
A child playing in the dirt of earth, frolics and toys

٥. أَظُنُّ زَماني كَونَهُ وَفَسادَهُ
وَليداً بِتُربِ الأَرضِ يَلهو وَيَعبَثُ