
Joy has departed from a home filled with sorrow

أودى السرور بدار كلها حزن

1. Joy has departed from a home filled with sorrow
So do not fret over misfortunes of the sad

١. أَودى السُرورُ بِدارٍ كُلُّها حَزَنُ
فَلا تُبالِ عَلى ما صابَتِ المُزُنُ

2. Sincerity has been defeated until truth hides
Wisdom has vanished until insight fades

٢. قَد غُلِّبَ المينُ حَتّى الصِدقُ مُستَتِرٌ
وَغُيِّبَ الرَشَدُ حَتّى خَفَّتِ الرُزُنُ

3. He who does not hoard wealth stingily
Need not fear for possessions he stores

٣. مَن لَم يَكُن خازِناً لِلمالِ مِن بُخُلٍ
فَلا يُخافُ عَلى نَحضٍ لَهُ خَزَنُ

4. The people denied the scale when they heard
That the Day of Judgment has a just weigher

٤. أَكَذَّبَ القَومُ بِالميزانِ أَن سَمِعوا
أَنَّ القِيامَةَ فيها عادِلٌ يَزِنُ

5. And we find people's words have weight
So how can acts' weighing be denied?

٥. وَقَد وَجَدنا مَقالَ الناسِ ذا زِنَةٍ
فَكَيفَ يُنكَرُ أَنَّ الفِعلَ يَتَّزِنُ