1. Ask those who died before and came to you as guests,
For he is closer in time, he'll tell you true,
١. سَلوا مَعشَرَ المَوتى الَّذي جاءَ وافِداً
إِلَيكُم يَخبَر فَهوَ أَقرَبُكُم عَهدا
2. That the countries are still the same,
As you knew them, hills and valleys,
٢. يُحَدِّثُكُم أَنَّ البِلادَ مُقيمَةٌ
عَلى ما عَهِدتُم ذَلِكَ الهَضبَ وَالوَهدا
3. The world and its ways still enchant its lover,
She hides her sleepy eyes and entrances with a look,
٣. وَلَم تَفتاءِ الدُنِّيا تَغُرُّ خَليلِها
وَتُبَدِّلُهُ مِن غَمضِ أَجفانِها سَهَدا
4. Shows him darkness in guise of light, deception!
Feeds him poison but makes him think it honey sweet,
٤. تُريهُ الدُجى في هَيئَةِ النورِ خِدعَةً
وَتُطعِمُهُ صاباً فَيَحسِبُهُ شَهَدا
5. She carries him high on a bier though often,
He rode a steed or a carriage, head held high,
٥. وَقَد حَمَلَتهُ فَوقَ نَعشٍ وَطالَما
سَرى فَوقَ عَنسٍ أَو عَلا فَرَساً نَهِدا
6. She left no trick to ensnare him,
Of loving her, she left him no effort to make.
٦. وَلَم تَتَّرِك مِن حيلَةٍ لِتَغُرُّهُ
وَلم يُبقِ في إِخلاصِهِ حُبُّها جُهدا