
If you wish to guard against being talked of, my friend,

إن شئت أن تحفظي من أنت صاحبة

1. If you wish to guard against being talked of, my friend,
Then never enter a public bath.

١. إِن شِئتِ أَن تَحفَظي مِن أَنتِ صاحِبَةٌ
لَهُ فَلا تَدخُلي في المِصرِ حَمّاما

2. And if you go out unveiled, no empty house
Will comfort you at dawn, with bracelet and bridle.

٢. وَإِن بَدَوتِ فَلا يُؤنِسكِ شَقَةٌ
ضُحىً تُناجينَ سَوّاراً وَزَمّاما

3. How many decent women and forbidden ones
Have you exposed, uncles and cousins!

٣. فَكَم عَصَيتُنَّ مِن ناهٍ وَناهِيَةٍ
وَكَم فَضَحتُنَّ أَخوالاً وَأعماما

4. Nothing protected you but husbands
While from the first I tired myself out, anxious.

٤. ما صانَكُنَّ سِوى الأَزواجِ مِن أَحَدٍ
وَأَوَّل الدَهرِ أَعيَيتُنَّ هَمّاما

5. I did not weep for a flirt when she held back,
Though I knew the ropes of union knotted.

٥. وَما بَكَيتُ رَميماً وَهيَ نائِيَةٌ
وَإِن عَلِمتُ حِبالَ الوَصلِ أَرماما

If she turns away in estrangement and disdain

٦. إِذا تَوَلَّت عَلى هَجرٍ وَمَقلِيَةٍ
فَلا تَعَرَّضَ لَها في النَومِ إِلماما