1. Behold, when he saw a beautiful lightning
He walked and came to the valley briskly
١. ألاحَ وقد رأى بَرْقاً مُلِيحاً
سَرَى فأتَى الحِمى نِضْواً طَليحا
2. Like a young man who tastes bitterness
So his eyelid met an ailing eyelid
٢. كما أغْضَى الفَتى ليَذوقَ غُمْضاً
فصادَفَ جَفْنُه جَفْناً قَريحا
3. When the red one was aroused, wandering
You'd think the night was a wounded Abyssinian
٣. إذا ما اهْتَاجَ أحمَرَ مُستَطِيراً
حَسِبْتَ اللّيلَ زَنْجيّاً جرِيحا
4. I say to my friend when he is lovesick
With lightning that no ebbing diminishes
٤. أقُولُ لصاحِبي إذْ هامَ وَجْداً
ببَرْقٍ ليسَ يُثْبِتُه نُزُوحا
5. And the south winds stirred him to meet a loved one
They stayed and pitched a shaken tent
٥. وهاجَتْهُ الجَنُوبُ لوَصْلِ حَيّ
أقامَ ويَمّموا داراً طَرُوحا
6. Foolish is the passion of the Najdi when
He sniffed the winds from the direction of Syria
٦. سِفَاهٌ لَوْعَةُ النّجْدِيّ لمّا
تَنَسّمَ من حِيالِ الشأمِ رِيحا
7. And the glance of your eye towards Najd is misguidance
When it glimpsed lightning waving
٧. وَغَيٌّ لَمْحُ عينكَ شَطْرَ نجْدٍ
إذا ما آنسَتْ بَرْقاً لَمُوحا
8. And the diseases of trysts have taught me
That behind them is definite sickness
٨. وأمْرَاضُ المَواعِدِ أعْلَمَتْني
بأنّ وَرَاءها سَقَماً صَحيحا
9. When do we wake and we've been tempted by enemies
Stay until the sun says, "Go!"
٩. متى نُصْبحْ وقد فُتْنا الأعَادي
نُقِمْ حتى تقُولَ الشّمسُ رُوحا
10. To a land where the dove sings
In it and he who laments can wail
١٠. بأرْضٍ للحَمامَةِ أنْ تُغَنّي
بها ولِمَنْ تأسَفَ أن يَنُوحا
11. Christ's worshippers, my companions fear
While we are the servants of Christ's Creator
١١. أعُبّادَ المَسيحِ يَخافُ صَحْبي
ونحنُ عَبيدُ مَنْ خَلَقَ المَسيحا
12. I saw you alone and you were determined
And the like of you who sees right, proper insight
١٢. رأيْتُكَ واحداً أبْرَحْتَ عَزْماً
ومثْلُكَ مَن رَأى الرّأيَ النّجيحا
13. So you did not prefer a mare over a foal
Nor did you choose a barren over a fertile land
١٣. فلم تُؤْثِرْ على مُهْرٍ فَصيلاً
ولم تَخْتَرْ على حِجْرٍ لَقُوحا
14. You rode the night against the enemy's deceit
And you made the dawn for it a first light
١٤. رَكبْتَ الليْلَ في كَيدِ الأعادي
وأعْدَدْتَ الصّباحَ له صَبوحا
15. And the greatest event is a generous horse
Whose owner is a miserly man
١٥. وأعْظَمُ حادثٍ فَرَسٌ كَريمٌ
يكُونُ مَلِيكُهُ رجُلاً شَحيحا
16. It shows you a sky above a land
Whose poles are counted tablets
١٦. تُريكَ له سماءً فوْقَ أرْضٍ
فَرُوجُ قَوائِمٍ يُعْدَدْنَ لُوحا
17. A horse of noble lineage you see it
Resting on the repeated lap
١٧. أصِيلُ الجَدّ سابقهُ تَراه
على الأَيْنِ المُكَرَّرِ مُسْتَريحا
18. As if its neighing from an excess of saliva
Its body refused so it became smeared
١٨. كَأنّ غَبوقَهُ مِن فَرْطِ رِيّ
أباهُ جِسمُه فغَدا مَسِيحا
19. As if the galloping produced pure sweat from it
So its milk overflowed fresh milk
١٩. كأنّ الرّكضَ أبْدى المحْضَ منه
فمَجّ لَبانُه لَبَناً صَريحَا
20. And the lords of steeds, the sons of Ali
Saddling them, the mail and armor
٢٠. وأرْبابُ الجِيادِ بَنو عليّ
مُزِيرُوهَا الذّوابِلَ والصّفيحا
21. And the best horses are those they rode, avoiding
The crow, ostrich, and unruly
٢١. وخيرُ الخيْلِ ما ركبوا فجَنّبْ
غُراباً والنّعامةَ والجَموحا
22. And the protector of both worlds, the glory
Of the sons of Isaac - if glory is allowed
٢٢. وأحْمَى العالَمينَ ذِمارَ مجْدٍ
بَنو إسْحاقَ إنْ مَجْدٌ أُبِيحا
23. And the knowledge of Ibn Ahmad has secured me
So I fear neither the purse nor the piercing
٢٣. ومَعْرِفَةُ ابنِ أحمَدَ أمّنَتْني
فما أخْشَى الحَقيبَ ولا النّطيحَا
24. When the steeds of glory race one day
They race blithely and race freely
٢٤. إذا استبَقَتْ خُيولُ المجدِ يوْماً
جرَيْنَ بَوَارِحاً وجرى سَنيحا
25. And if a defeated king wrote his name
On his banners by the conquests
٢٥. ولو كَتَبَ اسمَه مَلِكٌ هَزيمٌ
على راياتِهِ وَا لى الفُتوحا
26. So O son of Muhammad, and glory is sustenance
With your worth, you have been given without asking
٢٦. فيا ابْنَ محَمّدٍ والمَجْدُ رِزْقٌ
بقَدْرِكَ سُدْتَ لا قَدَراً أُتيحا
27. And neither missed Al-Husayn nor Ali
A guardian of guidance who saw you as loyal
٢٧. وما فَقَدَ الحُسَينَ ولا عَلِيّاً
وَلِيُّ هُدىً رآكَ له نَصيحا
28. To you, son of the Messenger, we hurried in yearning
And were not hurried by a swift riding beast
٢٨. إليكَ ابْنَ الرّسولِ حُثِثْنَ شَوْقاً
ولم يُحْذَيْنَ من عَجَلٍ سَريحا
29. We were determined with an armored coat
So we spent the night above its high haunts
٢٩. همَمْنَ بدُلْجَةٍ وخَشِينَ جُنْحاً
فبِتْنا فوقَ أرجُلِها جُنوحَا
30. Complaining while we stayed in the lowlands
Three storage pits holding barley
٣٠. أشَحْنَ وقد أقَمْنَ على وَفَازٍ
ثلاثَ حَنادِسٍ يَرْعَينَ شِيحا
31. Darkness in which forms become similar
So their essence is unknown until they scream
٣١. دُجًى تتشابَهُ الأشْباحُ فيه
فيُجْهَلُ جِنسُها حتى يَصيحا
32. The year passed, no companion visited
Their abode, nor did you hear lamenting
٣٢. فمَرّ العامُ لم تَطْرُقْ أنِيساً
بدارِهِمُ ولم تَسْمَعْ نُبوحا
33. Nor did it disturb any pasture in spring
Nor did it flow to any thirst, overflowing
٣٣. ولا عَبَثَتْ بعُشْبٍ في ربيعٍ
ولا وَرَدَتْ على ظَمَإٍ نَضِيحا
34. So I swear, the birds of the air are not priests
Nor are ostriches of the wilderness, monks
٣٤. فأُقْسِمُ ما طُيورُ الجَوّ سُحْماً
كَهُنّ ولا نَعامُ الدّو رُوحا
35. And without meeting you, the plateaus are desolate
Eluding the eyes, and the deserts are empty
٣٥. ودُونَ لِقائِكَ الهَضْباتُ شُمّاً
تَفُوتُ الطَّرْفَ والفَلَواتُ فِيحا
36. So they all came to you in spirit together
And we were pleased with it, body and soul
٣٦. فجاءَكَ كلّها بالرّوحِ فَرْداً
وقد سِرْنا به جَسَداً ورُوحا
37. Creation laments your favor to gain
That, while you hate to lament
٣٧. تَبُوحُ بفَضْلِكَ الدّنيا لتَحظى
بذاكَ وأنتَ تَكْرَهُ أنْ تَبُوحا
38. And musk has no right that it smelled pleasant
But our right is that it smells
٣٨. وما للمِسْكِ في أنْ فاحَ حَظّ
ولكنْ حظّنَا في أنْ يَفوحَا
39. And it reached Adh-Dhuraah and its inhabitants
Your qualities, and visited who resides in the tomb
٣٩. وقد بَلَغَ الضُّراحَ وساكِنيهِ
نَشَاكَ وزارَ مَن سَكَنَ الضَّريحا
40. The valley's abyss surges to you in yearning
And shows itself until it flows
٤٠. يَفيضُ إليْكَ غَوْرُ الماءِ شَوْقاً
ويُظْهِرُ نَفْسَهُ حتى يَسيحا
41. And if mares of horses passed your stallions
And they deemed their non-Arabic lineage clear
٤١. ولو مَرّتْ بخَيْلِكَ هُجْنُ خيلٍ
وهَبْنَ لعُجْمِها نسَباً صريحا
42. And if your saddles were raised in darkness
Upon camels, they would illuminate for them
٤٢. ولو رُفعَتْ سُرُوجُكَ في ظَلامٍ
على بُهُمٍ جَعَلْنَ لها وُضُوحا
43. And if an Uzbek horse heard your words
The neighing of its mispronunciation would be articulated
٤٣. ولو سَمِعَتْ كلامَكَ بُزْلُ شَوْلٍ
لعادَ هَديرُ بازِلِها فَحيحا
44. And you have honored me and raised my name
With it and granted me the most profitable fortune
٤٤. وقد شَرّفْتَني وَرَفَعْتَ إِسْمي
به وأنَلْتَني الحَظّ الرّبيحا
45. Yes, even if knowledge of the unseen were with me
I would say you have given me a generous lifetime
٤٥. أجَلْ ولو أنّ عِلْمَ الغيبِ عندي
لقُلتُ أفَدْتَني أجَلاً فَسيحا
46. That its response be in rhyme is a sin
But you have always been forgiving
٤٦. وكَوْنُ جَوابِهِ في الوَزْنِ ذَنْبٌ
ولكِنْ لم تَزَلْ مَوْلىً صَفُوحا
47. That is because your poetry surpassed my poetry
So I did not get the attribution or the praise
٤٧. وذلكَ أنّ شِعْرَكَ طالَ شِعْري
فما نِلْتُ النّسِيبَ ولا المَديحا
48. And whoever cannot attain the flags of acceptance
Descends to some of its slopes
٤٨. ومَنْ لم يَسْتَطِعْ أعْلامَ رَضْوَى
ليَنزِلَ بعضَها نَزَلَ السُّفوحا
49. You split the sea with manners and understanding
And your thoughts drowned the ambitious thought
٤٩. شقَقْتَ البحرَ مِن أدبٍ وفَهْمٍ
وغَرّقَ فكرُكَ الفِكْرَ الطّموحا
50. You toyed with our sorcery - and poetry is sorcery -
So we repent from it, sincere repentance
٥٠. لعِبْتَ بسِحْرِنَا والشّعْرُ سِحْرٌ
فتُبْنا منه تَوْبَتَنا النّصوحا
51. So if reincarnation were true, you would be Moses
And your father would be Isaac the sacrifice
٥١. فلو صَحّ التّناسُخُ كنْتَ موسى
وكان أبوكَ إسحقَ الذّبيحَا
52. And Joshua returns inspired one day
While you, when you traveled, re-inspired
٥٢. ويُوشَعُ رَدّ يُوحى بعضَ يومٍ
وأنتَ متى سفَرتَ رَدَدْتَ يُوحى
53. So your lover attained the two abodes in victory
And your enemy tasted peaceful death
٥٣. فنالَ مُحِبُّك الدّارَيْنِ فَوْزاً
وذاقَ عدُوُّك المَوْتَ المُريحا
54. And whoever does not come to your abode benefiting
Comes to it in your chastity repenting
٥٤. ومَنْ لم يَأتِ دارَكَ مُسْتَفِيداً
أتاها في عُفاتِكَ مُسْتَميحا
55. So be in the kingdom, O best of creations
Solomon, and be in age, Noah
٥٥. فكُنْ في المُلْكِ يا خيرَ البَرايا
سُليْماناً وكُنْ في العُمْرِ نوحا