
You sang in your crevice brighter than a coal

غنيت في شرخك أذكى من قبس

1. You sang in your crevice brighter than a coal
And you were an ocean, then you became dry land

١. غَنَّيتَ في شَرخِكَ أَذكى مِن قَبَس
وَكُنتَ بَحراً ثُمَّ أَصبَحتَ يَبَس

2. Don't you see me trapped in time?
Our lifetimes fail to grasp what can be kindled

٢. أَما تَراني في الزَمانِ مُحتَبَس
أَعمارُنا تَعجَزُ عَمّا يُقتَبَس

3. Too narrow to reveal what is entangled
And they are short like the verses of 'Abasa

٣. تَضيقُ أَن يُكشَفَ فيها ما اِلتَبَس
وَهِيَ قَصيراتٌ كَآياتِ عَبَس

4. Had my advice been heeded, my tongue would not have uttered

٤. لَو قَبِلَ النَصحَ لِساني ما نَبَس