1. Do not belittle children at play,
For they may become leaders of men one day.
١. لا تَزدَرُنَّ صِغاراً في مَلاعِبِهِم
فَجائِزٌ أَن يُرَوا ساداتِ أَقوامِ
2. Honor the child though low his station,
For with time he'll be called an elder of the nation.
٢. وَأَكرِموا الطِفلَ عَن نُكرٍ يُقالُ لَهُ
فَإِن يَعِش يُدعَ كَهلاً بَعدَ أَعوامِ
3. Do not neglect the world and its allure,
But if you must, be the best of those asleep and secure.
٣. وَلا تَناموا عَنِ الدُنيا وَغِرَّتِها
فَإِن أَبَيتُم فَكونوا خَيرَ نُوّامِ
4. Do not oppress anyone ever,
Until you can claim piety like those who fast and persevere.
٤. لا تَظلِموا مِن بَنيها وَاحِداً أَبَداً
حَتّى تَعُدّوا ذَوي فِطرٍ كَصَوّامِ