1. Bear your father's burden one day,
For the old man's strength has weakened.
١. تَحَمَّل عَن أَبيكَ الثِقلَ يَوماً
فَإِنَّ الشَيخَ قَد ضَعُفَت قِواهُ
2. Fate brought you though he did not want it,
And he preferred you to gain what it contains.
٢. أَتى بِكَ عَن قَضاءٍ لَم تُرِدهُ
وَآثَرَ أَن تَفوزَ بِما حَواهُ
3. Your friend in public is an enemy in secret,
So do not grieve if his intentions have turned.
٣. صَديقُكَ في الجِهارِ عَدُوّ سِرٍّ
فَلا تَأسَف إِذا شَحَطَت نَواهُ
4. She leaned on the poor without knowing,
And how much lies she told her questioners.
٤. رَكَنَت إِلى الفَقيرِ بِغَيرِ عِلمٍ
وَكَم زَورٍ لِسائِلِهِ رَواهُ
5. There is no blindness in the dispersal of these people,
Can time erase it when it is folded?
٥. وَما في نَشرِ هَذا الخَلقِ نُعمى
فَهَل يُلحى الزَمانُ إِذا طَواهُ
6. Your brother's foal complains of prolonged thirst
With what your foal found of its passion.
٦. فَصيلُ أَخيكَ يَشكو طولَ ظِمءٍ
بِما لاقى فَصيلُكَ مِن غَواهُ
7. And how can man expect guidance,
When he does not cease following his whim?
٧. وَكَيفَ يُؤَمِّلُ الإِنسانُ رُشداً
وَما يَنفَكُّ مُتَّبِعاً هَواهُ
8. He thinks highly of himself and his status,
As if God created none but him.
٨. يَظُنُّ بِنَفسِهِ شَرَفاً وَقَدراً
كَأَنَّ اللَهَ لَم يَخلُق سِواهُ
9. Oh turn your beauty towards a pasture,
For this sand did not grow its grass.
٩. أَلا ثَني جَمالَكَ نَحوَ مَرعىً
فَهَذا الرَملُ لَم يَنبُت لِواهُ
10. And I cannot attain something soon,
If my Creator distances it from me.
١٠. وَلَستُ بِمُدرِكٍ أَمراً قَريباً
إِذا ما خالِقي عَنّي زَواهُ