
The paths of life are hidden as if they were

طرق العلكا مجهولة فكأنها

1. The paths of life are hidden as if they were
Deaf roots with no foundation in the earth;

١. طُرُقُ العُلكا مَجهولَةٌ فَكَأَنَّها
صُمُّ العَدائِدِ ما لَها أَجذارُ

2. And reason warned us of what was to come
Then warnings spread and branched out far and wide.

٢. وَالعَقلُ أَنذَرَنا بِما هُوَ كائِنٌ
في الدَهرِ ثُمَّ تَشَعَّبَ الإِنذارُ

3. You excused your child walking the path of right,
So seeking the heights had justification.

٣. أَعذَرتَ طِفلَكَ سالِكاً نَهجَ الهُدى
وَلِذاكَ في طَلَبِ العُلا إِعذارُ

4. And we're wary of things even after certainty
That no caution can stop what is destined to be.

٤. وَنُحاذِرُ الأَشياءَ بعدَ يَقينِنا
أَن لا يَرُدُّ الكائِناتِ حِذارُ

5. With silence Tamir grasps what he hopes to attain,
While from him a bothersome fly is driven away.

٥. بِالصَمتِ يُدرِكُ طامِرٌ ما رامَهُ
وَتَخيبُ مِنهُ بَعوضَةٌ مِهذارُ