1. The helpless utter in unison 'Alas!',
All creatures neither swift nor slow in their pace,
١. قالَت مَعاشِرُ كُلٌّ عاجِزٌ ضَرِعُ
ما لِلخَلائِقِ لا بُطءٌ وَلا سُرُعُ
2. Predestined, so do not blame if they err,
Nor praise if they excel in their race.
٢. مُدَبَّرونَ فَلا عَتبٌ إِذا خَطِئوا
عَلى المُسيءِ وَلا حَمدٌ إِذا بَرَعوا
3. For this saying, in my time, I found
Evidence aplenty that caution defined.
٣. وَلَقَد وَجَدتُ لِهَذا القَولِ في زَمَني
شَواهِداً وَنَهاني دونَهُ الوَرَعُ
4. People are sheep, alike in instinct,
Each time they graze, heads to the ground bent.
٤. وَالناسُ ضَأنٌ تَساوَت في غَرائِزِها
يَلقونَ بِالأَرضِ كَفّاً كُلَّما اِفتَرَعوا
5. Sustenance is a draught, the living drink it last,
At fate's decisive hour, the youth's breath spent.
٥. وَالعَيشُ وِردٌ سَيُسقى الحَيُّ آخِرَهُ
عِندَ الحِمامِ وَأَنفاسُ الفَتى جُرَعُ
6. Undeterred by the spectre of death they face,
Meeting both evils foreseen and unforeseen.
٦. شاموا بُروقَ المَنايا غَيرَ مانِعِهِم
مِنَ الحَوادِثَ ما شاموا وَما اِدَّرَعوا
7. The lowest of them lays claim to highest rank.
No response to the prayers of those astray.
٧. وَيَدَّعي الرُتبَةَ العُليا أَخَسُّهُم
فَما يُجابُ لَهُم داعٍ إِذا ضَرَعوا
8. With their empty boasts they overreached,
Grasping at mirages near and far gleaned.
٨. وَأَدرَكوا بِدعاويهم مَدى زُحَلٍ
مِنَ الرُغامِ بِما قاسوهُ أَو ذَرَعوا
9. Seeking trodden paths, they were outstripped
By ruin lying in ambush, guile unseen.
٩. يَسعَونَ في المَنهَجِ المَسلوكِ قَد سُبِقوا
إِلى الَّذي هُوَ عِندَ الغُرِّ مُختَرَعُ
10. Everlasting ideas, though oft womb-born,
In every age a new coat have preened.
١٠. أَبكارُ هَذي المَعاني ثَيِّباتُ حِجىً
في كُلِّ عَصرٍ لَها جانٍ وَمُفتَرِعُ
11. They broke divine law when it came to them
And approved of evils, forbidden means.
١١. وَخالَفوا الشَرَعَ لَمّا جاءَهُم بِتُقىً
وَاِستَحسَنوا مِن قَبيحِ الفِعلِ ما شَرَعوا
12. I found their crops were more than they sowed,
Truly, their progeny the worst they have reaped.
١٢. وَجَدتُ ما اِزدَرَعوهُ كانَ عَن قَدَرٍ
وَالحَقُّ أَنَّ بَنيهِم شَرُّ ما اِزدَرَعوا
13. If sight were granted them, they would behold
Hopes and destinies relentlessly reaped.
١٣. لَو يُكَشَّفُ عَّن أَبصارِهِم لَرَأَت
آمالَهُم وَالمَنايا كَيفَ تَصتَرِعُ
14. Their nights return gloom-laden, devoid of dawn,
At their hour of ruin, no coat of mail.
١٤. عادَت لَياليهِمُ دُهماً بِلا وَضَحٍ
وَقَد يَكونُ بِهِنَّ الغُرُّ وَالدُرَعُ
15. A man lives not in joy when his sins spread misery,
Whether his people mighty or brought low.
١٥. وَالمَرءُ ما عاشَ مَبسوطٌ إِساءَتُهُ
يَشقى بِهِ القَومُ إِن هانوا وَإِن فَرَعوا
16. Beast and fowl, harmful and benign go their way,
The lion, the cub, the wolf, the doe.
١٦. وَالطَيرُ وَالوَحشُ غاديها وَصالِحُها
وَاللَيثُ وَالشِبلُ وَالذَيّالُ وَالذَرَعُ
17. No creature favors another out of partiality,
The eagle is equal to the lamb, no more, no less.
١٧. لا فَضلَ يُحباهُ مَخلوقٌ عَلى جِهَةٍ
مِن حالِهِ وَتُساوى النِسرُ وَالمُرَعُ
18. Prattle informs you of the loss of guidance,
A bird's nature to babble without rest.
١٨. وَالهَذرُ يُعطيكَ عَن فَقدِ الهُدى نَبَأً
وَيكَثِرُ القَولَ طَيرٌ شَأنُها الضَرَعُ