
Had I been a dog, zeal would have restrained me

لو اني كلب لا عترتني حمية

1. Had I been a dog, zeal would have restrained me
From meeting what man has met with in life

١. لَو اِنِّيَ كَلبٌ لا عَتَّرَتني حَميَّةٌ
لِجَّروِيَ أَن يَلقى كَما لَقِيَ الإِنسُ

2. I see the living, a kind that has mastered my world
In its types, not blessed the species and the kind.

٢. أَرى الحَيَّ جِنساً ظَلَّ يَشمُلُ عالَمي
بِأَنواعِهِ لا بورِكَ النَوعُ وَالجِنسُ