
Nature is an ancient thing that is imperceptible,

الطبع شيئ قديم لا يحس به

1. Nature is an ancient thing that is imperceptible,
And a person's habit is called his second nature.

١. الطَبعُ شَيئٌ قَديمٌ لا يُحَسُّ بِهِ
وَعادَةُ المَرءِ تُدعى طَبعَهُ الثاني

2. Familiarity made me weep for a friend when he left,
And it made people worship idols excessively.

٢. وَالإِلفُ أَبكى عَلى خِلٍّ يُفارِقُهُ
وَكَلَّفَ القَومَ تَعظيماً لِأَوثانِ