1. Whenever an uncouth man comes my way,
I say: the words that uncouthness would say.
١. إِذا ما جاءَني رَجُلٌ حُذامٌ
فَإِنَّ القَولَ ما قالَت حَذامِ
2. I see the sword of Ibn Dhi Yazan unsheathed -
The turns of fate by the sharp sword are cleaved.
٢. أَرى سَيفَ بنِ ذي يَزَنٍ فَرَتهُ
صُروفُ الدَهرِ بِالسَيفِ الهُذامِ
3. It moaned bitterly and cast a rope,
A kinsman of Tulaibah with fraying rope.
٣. وَأَذوَت غاضِراً وَرَمَت حِبالاً
سَليلَ أَخي طُلَيحَةَ بِاِنجِذامِ
4. And Zayd bin Harithah was no beloved
To the brisk living from the withered dead.
٤. وَما زَيدُ بنُ حارِثَةٍ حَبيباً
إِلى الحَيِّ المُصَبَّحِ مِن جُذامِ
5. Did you not see how Imru al-Qais wept
Like a youth of uncouth and coarse repute?
٥. أَلَم تَرَ لِاِمرِىء القَيسِ بنِ حِجرٍ
بَكى مُتَشَبِهاً بِفَتى حِذامِ
6. Thus is the world's succession, so fill me up
Your provision ere the final rupture.
٦. كَذاكَ تَناسِخُ الدُنيا فَمَلّي
مَزادَكَ قَبلَ تَقضيبِ الوِذامِ