
Religion is the youth abandoning pleasures easily

الدين هجر الفتى اللذات عن يسر

1. Religion is the youth abandoning pleasures easily
In health and capability as long as he lives

١. الدينُ هَجرُ الفَتى اللَذّاتِ عَن يُسُرٍ
في صَحَّةٍ وَاِقتِدارٍ مِنهُ ما عَمِرا

2. And wisdom is the patience of a dear proud brother with his oppressor
Until people say he is humiliated or esteemed

٢. وَالحِلمُ صَبرُ أَخي عِزٍّ لِظالِمِهِ
حَتّى يَقولَ أُناسٌ ذَلَّ أَو قُمِرا

3. And the flood comes as murky water of the depths, thinking it
A shallow water, so we wade into it and it is flooded

٣. وَالغُمرُ يَأتي غِمارَ اللُجِّ يَحسِبُها
ضَحضاحَ ماءٍ فَنُلفيهِ وَقَد غُمِرا

4. And the gazelle is braver than a lion or a panther
When hurt it matches the lion and the panther

٤. وَالظَبيُ أَشجَعُ مِن لَيثٍ وَمِن نَمِرٍ
إِذا أَلَمَّ يُضاهي اللَيثَ وَالنَمِرا

5. And from the hardship of nights a serving boy, content
If ordered something does other than what he was ordered

٥. وَمِن عَناءِ اللَيالي خادِمٌ ضَغِنٌ
إِن يُؤمَرِ الأَمرَ يَفعَل غَيرَ ما أُمِرا