
One's form differs from another's in life

يباين شكل غيره في حياته

1. One's form differs from another's in life
Yet if both perish, no difference lies between the two

١. يُبايِنُ شَكلٌ غَيرَهُ في حَياتِهِ
فَإِن هَلَكا لَم تُلفِ بَينَهُما فَرقا

2. And he who is disconnected from his time and its people
Finds fault with them whether in the west or east of the world

٢. وَمَن يَفتَقِد حالَ الزَمانِ وَأَهلِه
يَذُمُّ بِهِم غَرباً مِنَ الأَرضِ أَو شَرقا

3. He finds their words weak and their love little
Their good evil and their deeds ragged

٣. يَجِد قَولَهُم مَيناً وَوِدَّهُمُ قِلىً
وَخَيرَهُم شَرّاً وَصَنعَتَهُم خُرقا

4. And their glad tidings deception and their poverty riches
Their knowledge ignorance and their wisdom motley

٤. وَبِشرَهُمُ خَدَعاً وَفَقرَهُم غِنىً
وَعِلَمَهُم جَهلاً وَحِكمَتَهُم زَرقا

5. O dogs, how many plants have you shepherded before them
A band who in their dens saw lightning

٥. أَحَيَّ كِلابٍ كَم رَعى النَبتَ قَبلَكُم
فَريقٌ وَشاموا في حَنادِسِهِم بَرقا

6. And endured in plenty and turned to consent
And resorted to lofty ruins

٦. وَصابوا عَلى عافٍ وَآبوا إِلى رِضىً
وَجابوا إِلى عَلياءَ نازِحَةٍ خَرقا

7. And the night extended darkness unto darkness
While it watched with its blue, twinkling stars

٧. وَلَيلاً طَلى قاراً بِقارٍ وَأُكمُهُ
مُراقِبَةٌ مِن شُهبِهِ حَدَقاً زُرقا

8. When a cloud rises in it, it vanishes
With its passing like a black maid, it sweats

٨. إِذا نَشَأَت فيهِ الغَمامَةُ خِلتَها
بِإيماضِها زِنجِيَّةً فَصَدَت عِرقا

9. And they passed by the goal of the dove and left
Young doves gathered in it, tender leaves

٩. وَمَرّوا بِمَقصودِ الحِمامِ فَغادَروا
خَوالِدَ ضَمَّت فيهِ أَفرُخَها الوُرقا

10. We have seen the affairs of fate lowered and raised
While we are captives to events or drowned

١٠. رَأَينا شُؤونَ الدَهرِ خَفضاً وَرِفعَةً
وَنَحنُ أُسارى في الحَوادِثِ أَو غَرقى

11. The desire of the invalid falls like rain from the clouds and rises
Depressed like the bray of a hoof stomping

١١. هَوى مُعتَلٍّ كَالغَيثِ مِنَ المُزنِ وَاِعتَلى
خَفيضٌ كَنَقعٍ مِن لَدُن حافِرٍ يَرقى

12. So do not feel secure with a treacherous left or right
That makes enemies and leaves no tent or distinction

١٢. فَلا تَأمَنوا شامِيَّةً يَمَنِيَّةً
تُعادي فَلا تُبقي خِباءً وَلا فِرقا

13. It pierces the coat of armor with its spear points
Even if it tastes bitter when swallowed

١٣. يُخَرِّقُ دِرعَ المَرءِ سُمرُ رِماحِها
وَإِن كانَ مُرّاً في مَذاقَتِهِ خَرقا

14. When they seek the heights, they make
With the summits in your grounds, roads

١٤. إِذا طَلَبوا أَقصى العُلا اِتَّخَذوا لَهُ
بِصُمِّ العَوالي في تَرائِبِكُم طُرقا

15. If you are leaves of tamarisk, locusts of arrows come to you
To destroy you leaf by leaf

١٥. إِذا كُنتُمُ أَوراقَ أَثلٍ زَهَوا لَكُم
جَرادَ نِبالٍ كَي تُبيدَكُم وَرقا

16. Visitor of worries, did you find me to be excusing
When you do not find me near a camp, paths

١٦. أَطارِقَ هَمٍّ ضافَ هَل أَنتَ عاذِرٌ
مَتّى لَم تَجِد بي عِندَ مُرتَحَلٍ طِرقا

17. And thirst has made me incapable, with which I remove sedation
There is no life if I do not drink the turbid road

١٧. وَأَعوَزَني ماءٌ أُزيلُ بِهِ الصَدى
فَلا عَيشَ إِن لَم أَشرَبَ الكَدِرَ الطَرقا

18. People are mountains, lofty peaks in the earth
And valleys that do not reach the heights and lightning

١٨. هُمُ الناسُ أَجبالٌ شَوامِخُ في الذُرى
وَأَودِيَةٌ لا تَبلُغُ الأُكمَ وَالبُرقا

19. One drunk creeps and gives away a cloak
While another sober minded becomes angry if he climbs

١٩. فَسَكرانُ يُستَرقى وَيَبذُلُ بُسلَةً
وَآخَرُ صاحي اللُبِّ يَغضَبُ أَن يُرقى