
O you who blame the lighting, don't let

يا شائم البارق لا تشجك ال

1. O you who blame the lighting, don't let
The horrors disturb you, entrust yourself to the land of Babylon

١. يا شائِمَ البارِقِ لا تُشجِكَ ال
أَظعانُ فُوِّضنَ إِلى أَرضِ بَبنَ

2. Return to the homelands in the stranger of
The garden, so I did not find you when Babylon was built

٢. أُبنَ إِلى الأَوطانِ في عازِبِ ال
رَوضِ فَما وَجدُك لَمّا أَبَبنَ

3. They promised with the lute and broke their
Promise, it was not a truthful promise they made

٣. يَشبُبنَ بِالعودِ وَيُخلِفنَ في ال
مَوعودِ لا كانَ صِلاءٌ شَبَبنَ

4. They promised in the valley to a
Melodious village, but with passion they did not fulfill the promise

٤. صَبَبنَ في الوادي إِلى قَريَةٍ
غَنّاءَ لَكِن بِالهَوى ما صَبَبنَ

5. They promise with their actions, but when
It is said, they don't know when the promise was made

٥. يُسبَبنَ بِالفِعلِ فَأَمّا إِذا
قيلَ فَما يَعلَمنَ يَوماً سُبِبنَ

6. The stallion carries it and around it the young
Men approached in the morning or the evening

٦. يَحمِلُها العيسُ وَمِن حَولِها الشِر
بُ قَرَّبنَ ضُحىً أَو خَبنَ

7. It is sincere loyalty not the loyalty in sincerity
They were brought up in the shadow of a goblet or they were nurtured

٧. مَها نَقاءٍ لا مَهاً في نَقاً
رُبِّبنَ في ظِلِّ قَناً أَو رَبَبنَ

8. Deadly scorpions on my
Tongue and conscience crept

٨. عَقارِبٌ قاتِلَةٌ مِن مُنىً
عَلى لِساني وَضَميري دَبَبنَ

9. Oh! From life and its excess
And many a hand in existence grabbed

٩. آهٍ مِنَ العَيشِ وَإِفراطِهِ
وَرُبَّ أَيدٍ في بَقاءٍ تَبَبنَ

10. The souls of a night in their slumber remind me of the comfort of the afflicted
Do not trust time and its changes the

١٠. تُذَكِّرُني راحَةَ أَهلِ البِلى
أَرواحُ لَيلٍ بِخُزامى هَبَبنَ

11. King to the family of maidservants crept
Indeed, when the girls get bored of

١١. لا تَأمَنِ الدَهرَ وَتَحويلَهُ المُل
كَ إِلى آلِ إِماءٍ ضَبَبنَ

12. The world and neglect piety, they do not creep
And in the mixture of ease or in the shrine of

١٢. إِنَّ اللَبيباتِ إِذا مِلنَ لِلدُن
يا وَأَلغَينَ التُقى ما لَبَبنَ

13. The Messengers, and the year is barren they crept

١٣. وَفي مَزيجِ الراحِ أَو في صَريحِ ال
رِسلِ وَالعامُ جَديبٌ عَبَبنَ