
Time has darkened, so do not make it darker,

لقد دجى الزمان فلا تدجوا

1. Time has darkened, so do not make it darker,
And it has become confused, leaving no opponent confused.

١. لَقَد دَجّى الزَمانُ فَلا تَدَجّوا
وَلَجَّ فَلَم يَدَع خَصماً يَلَجُّ

2. Do I see that I have advised, yet my advice is useless,
When it pours into an ear that shuts out all counsel?

٢. أَراني قَد نَصَحتُ فَما لِنُصحي
إِذا ما غارَ في أُذُنٍ يُمَجُّ

3. Strange are the riding camels, their saddles emptied,
Flowing with them after death's rending are more tears.

٣. عَجِبنا لِلرَكائِبِ مُبرَياتٍ
يَسيلُ بِهِنَّ بَعدَ الفَجِّ فَجُّ

4. You aim for well-being in Tehama, seeking it,
And good faith, though intentions harbor no ill thoughts.

٤. تُنِصُّ إِلى تِهامَةَ مُبتَغاها
صَلاحَ وَلَيسَ في النِياتِ وَجُّ

5. Such is this life we're in -
A livelihood bought and blood spilled out.

٥. هِيَ الدُنِّيا عَلى ما نَحنُ فيهِ
مَعاشٌ يُمتَرى وَدَمٌ يُثَجُّ

6. No dwelling place in Mecca's valley
Or house on its plain brings pilgrims rest.

٦. لَيالِيَ ما بِمَكَّةَ مِن مَقامٍ
وَلا بَيتٌ بِأَبطَحِها يَحِجُّ

7. Rulers of authority there weary it
With yellow gold they dispense or treasures they hoard.

٧. وَما فَتِئَت وُلاةُ الأَمرِ فيها
على الصَفراءِ تُصرِفُ أَو تَشِجُّ

8. The true has been denied, without doubt,
So has the deaf or the blind spoken truth?

٨. وَقَد كُذِبَ الصَحيحُ بِلا اِرتِيابٍ
فَهَل صَدَقَ الأَصَمُّ أَو الأَشَجُّ

9. The hopeful have departed down a road
As though the greatest calamities passed them by.

٩. مَضى أَهلُ الرَجاءِ عَلى سَبيلٍ
كَأَنَّهُمُ العَظائِمُ لَم يُرَجّوا

10. Why has the spear been wielded by men
Who are destined for death or will be routed?

١٠. فَما لِلرُمحِ قَرَّبَهُ رِجالٌ
يُنَصَّلُ لِلمَنيَّةِ أَو يُزَجُّ