
If you were people of purity, a fitting address

لو كنتم أهل صفو قال ناسبكم

1. If you were people of purity, a fitting address
Would have been purity, but speech distorts meanings.

١. لَو كُنتُمُ أَهلَ صَفوٍ قالَ ناسِبُكُم
صَفوِيَّةٌ فَأَتى بِاللَفظِ ما قُلِبا

2. An army of Iblis in the land of Bedlis now and then
Milking life in Aleppo.

٢. جُندٌ لِإِبليسَ في بَدليسَ آوِنَةً
وَتارَةً يَحلِبونَ العَيشَ في حَلَبا

3. You sought provision in horizons out of greed
Yet God is found wherever truly sought.

٣. طَلَبتُمُ الزادَ في الآفاقِ مِن طَمَعٍ
وَاللَهُ يُوجَدُ حَقاً أَينَما طُلِبا

4. I do not mean by this except your debauched ones,
For the devout, if opposed, will overcome.

٤. وَلَستُ أَعني بِهَذا غَيرَ فاجِرِكُم
إِنَّ التَقِيَّ إِذا زاحَمتَهُ غَلَبا

5. Like the sun - no blemish approaches its rays
The full moon is far above blame even when eclipsed.

٥. كَالشَمسِ لَم يَدنُ مِن أَضوائِها دَنَسٌ
وَالبَدرُ قَد جَلَّ عَن ذَمٍّ وَإِن ثُلِبا

6. I see no people gone astray but their sanity
Is like Christians, building up crucifixes.

٦. وَما أَرى كُلَّ قَومٍ ضَلَّ رُشدُهُمُ
إِلّا نَظيرَ النَصارى أَعظَموا الصُلُبا

7. O Children of Israel! Can your Messiah be hoped for!
Far from it! He who formed things distinguished them.

٧. يا آلَ إِسرالَ هَل يُرجى مَسيحُكُمُ
هَيهاتَ قَد مَيَّزَ الأَشياءَ مَن خُلِبا

8. We said he came but was not crucified, yet you say
One came after and a nation cried "Crucify!"

٨. قُلنا أَتانا وَلَم يُصلَب وَقَولُكُمُ
ما جاءَ بَعدُ وَقالَت أُمَّةٌ صُلِبا

9. You brought the Torah's falsehood through distortion
And much evil is attracted by the youth.

٩. جَلَبتُمُ باطِلَ التَوراةِ عَن شَحَطٍ
وَرُبَّ شَرٍّ بَعيدٍ لِلفَتى جُلَبا

10. How many are killed though their hands never spilled blood
Save seizing plunder and rapine.

١٠. كَم يُقتَلُ الناسُ ما هَمُّ الَّذي عَمَدَت
يَداهُ لِلقَتلِ إِلّا أَخذُهُ السَلَبا

11. Religion's pillar is upheld by later generations
Building palaces while others dig graves.

١١. بِالخُلفِ قامَ عَمودُ الدينِ طائِفَةٌ
تَبني الصُروحَ وَأُخرى تَحفُرُ القُلُبا