
Take the path of reason, you will be guided by its guidance

خذوا في سبيل العقل تهدوا بهديه

1. Take the path of reason, you will be guided by its guidance
And do not hope for anything but the Almighty as refuge

١. خُذوا في سَبيلِ العَقلِ تُهدَوا بِهَديِهِ
وَلا يَرجونَ غَيرَ المُهَيمِنِ راجِ

2. And do not extinguish the light of the angels for it
Brings joy to each one in the dark with a lamp

٢. وَلا تُطفِئوا نورَ المَليكِ فَإِنَّهُ
مُمَتِّعُ كُلٍّ مِن حِجىً بِسِراجِ

3. I see the people lost in great ignorance
While they are alive, they play with nonsense

٣. أَرى الناسَ في مَجهولَةٍ كَبَرا
ءُهُمُ حَيٍّ يَلعَبونَ خُراجِ