1. The bucket's cross appeared amidst its stars
It stopped men from worshipping their rigidity
١. أَطَلَّ صَليبُ الدَلوِ بَينَ نُجومِهِ
يَكُفُّ رِجالاً عَن عِبادَتِها الصُلبا
2. So your Lord is Allah who created the planets
And initiated Pleiades, Orion and the Heart
٢. فَرَبُّكُمُ اللَهُ الَّذي خَلَقَ السُهى
وَأَبدى الثُرَيّا وَالسِماكَينِ وَالقَلبا
3. And the full moon declined after its perfection
As if the darkness was breaking its heart
٣. وَأَنحَلَ بَدرَ التَمِّ بَعدَ كَمالِهِ
كَأَنَّ بِهِ الظَلماءَ قاصِمَةٌ قُلبا
4. And brought rain closer to Iraq but it wasn't
Lawful when eloquence specified nor a dress
٤. وَأَدنى رِشاءً لِلعِراقي وَلمَ يَكُن
شَريعاً إِذا نَصَّ البَيانُ وَلا خِلبا
5. And pictured the shooting star in its orbit
If He wished it would become a dog over its ashes
٥. وَصَوَّرَ لَيثَ الشُهبِ في مُستَقَرِّهِ
وَلَو شاءَ أَمسى فَوقَ غَبرائِهِ كَلبا
6. And cast on earth the laid down beasts so they grazed
With the wild laid down beast watching for food
٦. وَأَلقى عَلى الأَرضِ الفَراقِدَ فَاِرتَعَت
مَعَ الفَرقَدِ الوَحشيِّ تَرتَقِبُ الأَلبا
7. And brought down from it the bull bellowing strenuously
So its dewlaps and jowls clung to the fetters
٧. وَأَهبَطَ مِنها الثَورَ يَكرُبُ جاهِداً
فَتَعلَق ظَلفَيهِ الشَوابِكُ وَالهُلبا
8. And the ostriches of the air after their loftiness
Became in vain among the ostriches of the livestock not safe from defeat
٨. وَأَضحَت نَعامُ الجَوِّ بَعدَ سُموِّها
سُدىً في نَعامِ الدَوِّ لا تَأمَنَ الغُلبا
9. And sent down a whale in the sky so He added
It to the fish in the greenness so it admitted being captured
٩. وَأَنزَلَ حوتاً في السَماءِ فَضَمَّهُ
إِلى النونِ في خَضراءَ فَاِعتَرَفَ السُلبا
10. And inhabited in a narrow hole of dust
The stars of darkness in a burrow that refused holes
١٠. وَأَسكَنَ في سُكٍّ مِنَ التُربِ ضَيِّقٍ
نُجومَ دُجىً في شَبوَةٍ أَبَت الثَلبا