
What polished rocks unseen for ages

أي صفاة لا يرى دهرها

1. What polished rocks unseen for ages
Were carved by slow endeavor through the ages

١. أَيُّ صَفاةٍ لا يُرى دَهرَها
يُجيدُ في مُدَّتِهِ نَحتَها

2. Once high above the dust that hid them all
Now under earth has claimed them in its thrall

٢. كانوا زَماناً فَوقَ غَبرائِهِم
ثُمَّ اِستَحالوا فَغَدَوا تَحتَها

3. Their Maker laid them in earth's secret places
When they had served as food to feed death's faces

٣. أَودَعَهُم رَبُّهُم سِرَّها
مِن بَعدِ ما أَطعَمَهُم سُحَتها