
The wild beasts advised you, O kinds and races,

نصحتك أجسام البرية أجناس

1. The wild beasts advised you, O kinds and races,
And abstinence is better than lavish feasts and weddings.

١. نَصَحتُكِ أَجسامُ البَريَّةِ أَجناسُ
وَخَيرٌ مِنَ الأَعراسِ بُرسٌ وَعِرناسُ

2. Do not frequent the baths, for an advisor has come
With prohibiting them, before people become corrupted.

٢. وَلا تَلِجي الحَمّامَ قَد جاءَ ناصِحٌ
بِتَحريمِهِ مِن قَبلِ أَن يَفسُدَ الناسُ

3. So what of it, when on its path transgressed,
Immoral, corrupted, cunning, and malicious people.

٣. فَكَيفَ بِهِ لَمّا اِعتَدى في طَريقِهِ
رُجَيبٌ وَحَوّاشٌ وَتَنجٌ وَأَشناسُ

4. The pure Arabs intermingled with the non-Arabs,
And against betrayal are kinds that should be condemned.

٤. تَمازَجَ بِالعُربِ الأَعاجِمُ وَالنَقى
عَلى الغَدرِ أَنواعٌ تُذَمُّ وَأَجناسُ

5. There are people whose faces seem righteous,
Yet inwardly they are sneaky and cunning.

٥. أُناسٌ كَقَومٍ ذاهِبينَ وُجوهُهُم
وَلَكِنَّهُم في باطِنِ الأَمرِ نَسناسُ

6. May God reward my companion for his affability,
With goodness, for in friendliness is what brings delight.

٦. جَزى اللَهُ عَنّي مُؤنِسي بِصُدودِه
جَميلاً فَفي الإيحاشِ ما هُوَ إيناسُ

7. You fear a defiant devil from the jinn,
While you have a devil from mankind that is sly.

٧. تَخافينَ شَيطاناً مِنَ الجِنِّ مارِداً
وَعِندَكِ شَيطانٌ مِنَ الإِنسِ خَنّاسُ