1. The nights are too narrow for Majid's encampment,
Yet they guaranteed nothing but the stench of vile deeds,
١. تَضيقُ اللَيالي عَن مَحَلَّةِ ماجِدٍ
فَما ضَمِنَت إِلّا ذَميمَ فَعالِ
2. And which of us is like the days? They merely
Coughed up hours that did me no good.
٢. وَأَيّا مُنا مِثلُ الأُيومِ وَإِنَّما
سَعى لِيَ مِن ساعاتِهِنَّ سَعالُ
3. So do not ask a wealthy man for his generosity
And seek wealth from your Exalted Lord,
٣. فَلا تَسأَلِ المَرءَ الغَنِيَّ عَطائَهُ
وَرَجِّ الغِنى مِن رَبِّكَ المُتَعالي
4. And wait, O clan of Warha, none among you
Was ever reasonable nor are you now worthy of high moral values,
٤. وَمَهلاً بَني الوَرهاءَ ما كانَ فيكُمُ
رَشيدٌ وَلا أَنتُم بِأَهلِ مَعالي
5. May the excellence of the horses that brought you near supremacy
Prompt generosity from them toward the shoeless,
٥. عَسى جَدُّ خَيلٍ قَرَّبَتكُم مِنَ العُلا
يَجودُ لَها مِن عَسجَدٍ بِنِعالِ
6. Come, set aside in yourselves some generosity
Other than Hammam's generosity toward Ibn Ji'al,
٦. هَبوا وَاِجعَلوا لِلجودِ فيكُم بَقِيَّةً
سِوى جودِ هَمّامٍ عَلى اِبنِ جِعالِ
7. When today passes, its return will confound the people
Even if they trace its footsteps with stirrups
٧. إِذا اليَومُ وَلّى أَعجَزَ القَومَ رَدُّهُ
وَلَو تَبِعوا آثارَهُ بِرِعالِ
8. They extend their throats to the slanderers in the fray
While their lions in the clash are but hares
٨. يَمُدّونَ لِلطَعنِ الثَعالِبَ في الوَغى
وَآسادُهُم عِندَ اللِقاءِ ثِعالِ
9. Your brother Nusuk prayed for you with that
Opposite to what your wealth prayed for me.
٩. وَإِنَّ أَخا نُسكٍ دَعا لَكَ بِالَّذي
مَلَكتَ بِضِدٍّ مِن غِناكَ دَعا لي