
The lights are counted from the radiance of lights,

أنوار تحسب من سنا الأنوار

1. The lights are counted from the radiance of lights,
And from the land of Baari, clouds spread out covering it.

١. أَنوارُ تُحسَبُ مِن سَنا الأَنوارِ
وَمِنَ البَوارِ مَهاً عَرَضنَ بَواري

2. Spinning whiteness to hearts as if they are,
An eye on a pivot and the eye of one who turns.

٢. بيضٌ دَوارٍ لِلقُلوبِ كَأَنَّها
عَينٌ بِدَوّارِ وَعَينُ دَوارِ

3. These are the homes of settlements, not knowing,
That I moan within their courtyards.

٣. هَذي أَواريُّ المَنازِلِ ما دَرَّت
أَنّي أُواري في حَشايَ أَواري

4. As for my elation from you, it met,
Hearing, and as for passion from you, overflowing.

٤. أَمّا فَواري المَينِ عَنكَ فَصادَفَت
سَمَعاً وَأَمّا الوَجدُ مِنكَ فَواري

5. And if the maidens turn you away, invent,
Like the maidens, a trace of conversation.

٥. وَإِذا الحَواريّاتُ صِدنَكَ فَاِبتَكِر
مِثلَ الحَواريّاتِ إِثرَ حُوارِ

6. They look upon a mirage in spirits, though,
It is built on conversation and beauty of dialogue.

٦. يَرأَمنَ سَقباً في الرَواحِ وَإِنَّما
تَبني عَلى حَوَرٍ وَحُسنُ حِوارِ

7. They play with visitors, gambling plays,
And when they attain favor, then they are fleeing.

٧. يَلعَبنَ بِالزُوّارِ لِعبَ قَوامِرٍ
وَإِذا بَلَغنَ رِضاً فَهُنَّ ذَواري

8. Like the images, when you smell their images,
So the sorrow of your heart moans to troubles.

٨. مِثلُ الصُوارِ إِذا شَمَمتَ صُوارِها
فَشَجَونَ قَلبِكَ لِلهُمومِ صَواري

9. So make bracelets of soft skin and coolness for,
The forearms of soft ones in the stirrups gliding.

٩. فَاِجعَل سِوارَي غادَةٍ وَبُراهُما
لِبُرى غَوادٍ في الرِكابِ سَواري

10. They glide in creating improvement but above them,
Are human morals to the ugly concurring.

١٠. يُرقِلنَ في خَلَقِ الشِوارِ وَّفَوقَها
أَخلاقُ إِنسٍ لِلقَبيحِ شَواري

11. Do not complain, for in complaining is humiliation,
And to show horses in the racecourse.

١١. لا تَشكُوَنَّ فَفي الشِكايَةِ ذِلَّةٌ
وَلِتُعرَضَنَّ الخَيلُ بِالمِشوارِ

12. I wonder what prevented the ruin of,
Khuwar in the plateau of Shabah and An-Naqa Al-Khaari.

١٢. آلَيتُ ما مَنَعَ الخُوارُ أَوابِداً
في هَضَبِ شابَةَ وَالنَقا الخَوّارِ

13. The perceptive person matures from aging, for,
He continues to be called to come closer as a neighbor.

١٣. ريعَ اللَبيبُ مِنَ المَشيبِ لِأَنَّهُ
ما زالَ يُؤَذَنُ بِاِنتِفالِ جِوارِ

14. The excellent soul is not saddened by what,
Appears of brilliance.

١٤. ما أَبأَسَ الحَيوانَ لَيسَ لِنابِتٍ
أَسَفٌ بِما يَبدو مِنَ النُوّارِ

15. And it is as if whoever lived in the courtyard when,
He goes to the grave, he did not descend to it suddenly.

١٥. وَكَأَنَّ مَن سَكَنَ الفِناءَ مَتّى غَدا
لِلقَبرِ لَم يَنزِل لَهُ بِطُوارِ

16. Those eagles of the lineages are birds,
And destinies above them soaring.

١٦. تِلكَ النُسورُ مِنَ الوُكورِ طَوائِرٌ
وَمَقادِرٌ مِن فَّوقِهِنَّ طَواري

17. Indeed all ruin is reclaimed,
So the spirits from it and the bodies are ruins.

١٧. إِنَّ العَواريِّ اِستُرِدَّ جَميعُها
فَالراحُ مِنها وَالجُسومُ عَواري

18. Apparitions of people in time are seen to have,
Like visions, alternating concealment and appearance.

١٨. أَشباحُ ناسٍ في الزَمانِ يُرى لَها
مِثلَ الحَبابِ تَظاهُرٌ وَتَواري

19. They intermix with others, so the past,
Is not except what comes, and they are neighbors.

١٩. يُخلَطنَ فيهِ بِغَيرِهِنَّ فَما مَضى
غَيرُ الَّذي يَأتي وَهُنَّ جَواري

20. The bracelets of time tired every bracelet wearer,
And cast the friend with its enclosure arrows.

٢٠. أَعيا سِوارُ الدَهرِ كُلَّ مُساوِرٍ
وَرَمى الخَليلَ بِأَسهُمِ الأَسوارِ

21. So beware even if your raids in hostility,
Were far, it plotted against Abul-Mughwar.

٢١. فَاِحذَر وَإِن بَعُدَت غَزّاتُكَ في العِدى
قَدَراً أَغارَ عَلى أَبي المِغوارِ

22. Its bells scolded it at dawn,
And the events of doves cooing.

٢٢. زَجَرَت قَواريها الزَواجِرُ بِالضُحى
وَالحادِثاتُ مِنَ الحِمامِ قَواري

23. If seeking money thought about the vanishing,
resources, it would not sit still on ruins.

٢٣. لَو فَكَّرَت طُلُبُ الغِنى في ذاهِبِ الأَ
كوارِ ما قَعَدَت عَلى الأَكوارِ

24. And weeping is in the ruling of the guided, and he of youth,
Like my brother An-Nubuha, and perseverance is like fresh flowing water.

٢٤. وَالنَدبُ في حُكمِ الهِدانِ وَذو الصِبا
كَأَخي النُبهى وَالذِمرُ كَالعُوّارِ

25. And it is said that the extent of nights makes,
A mountain rise like overflowing terraces.

٢٥. وَيُقالُ أَنَّ مَدى اللَيالي جاعِلٌ
جَبَلاً أَقامَ كَزاخِرٍ مَوّارِ

26. The judgements went among the people and were fulfilled,
Truly without walls or any walls.

٢٦. جَرَتِ القَضايا في الأَنامِ وَأُمضِيَت
صُدُقاً بِأَسوارٍ وَلا أَسوارِ