
The people of Layka were destroyed at midday,

أصحاب ليكة أهلكوا بظهيرة

1. The people of Layka were destroyed at midday,
The winds of Hamiya and 'Aad blew with biting cold.

١. أَصحابُ لَيكَةَ أُهلِكوا بِظَهيرَةٍ
حَميَت وَعادٌ بِالرِياحِ الصَرصَرِ

2. Be lenient if you gained victory in battle,
Or did your grandfather truthfully say you'll never prevail?

٢. هَوِّن عَلَيكَ أَنِلتَ نَصراً في الوَغى
أَم قالَ جَدُّكَ صادِقاً لا تُنصَرِ

3. Chosroes' kingdom was broken by its breaking,
And the palace bent under the haughtiness of Caesar.

٣. كِسرى أَصابَ الكَسرُ جابِرَ مُلكِهِ
وَالقَصرُ كَرَّ عَلى تَطاوُلِ قَيصَرِ

4. Do not praise or blame a man,
Among us there is no slack one like the slack one.

٤. لا تَحمَدَنَّ وَلا تَذَمَّنَّ اِمرِأً
فينا فَغَيرُ مُقَصِّرٍ كَمُقَصِّرِ

5. I have become decrepit, my body won't heal
Until it returns to its original composition.

٥. آلَيتُ لا يَنفَكُّ جِسمِيَ في أَذاً
حَتّى يَعودَ إِلى قَديمِ العُنصُرِ

6. And if it returns to it, my bones
Will be dust scattered over the ages.

٦. وَإِذا رَجَعتُ إِلَيهِ صارَت أَعظُمي
تُرباً تَهافَتَ في طِوالِ الأَعصُرِ

7. God, exalted, created us perfectly,
What cannot be seen by a listener or observer.

٧. وَاللَهُ خالِقُنا اللَطيفُ مُكَوِّنٌ
ما لا يَبينُ لِسامِعٍ أَو مُبصِرِ

8. There were days when Kufa was not a garrison
For one stationed or Basra for one observing.

٨. أَيّامَ لَم تَكُ في المَواطِنِ كُوفَةٌ
لِمُكَوِّفٍ أَو بَصرَةٌ لِمُبَصِّرِ

9. How much vanishing time made the girls grow old,
The sun rises like a tightly wrapped maiden.

٩. كَم أَهرَمَ الفَتَياتِ وَقتٌ ذاهِبٌ
وَالشَمسُ تَطلُعُ كَالفَتاةِ المُعصِرِ

10. Reason is amazed by sanctimonious behaviour,
And by affectation, Judaizing, and Christianizing.

١٠. وَالعَقلُ يَعجَبُ لِلشُروعِ تَمَجُّسٍ
وَتَحَنُّفٍ وَتَهَوُّدٍ وَتَنَصُّرِ

11. So beware and don't neglect matters,
And look with a thinking, observant heart.

١١. فَاِحذَر وَلا تَدَعِ الأُمورَ مُضاعَةً
وَاِنظُر بِقَلبِ مُفَكِّرٍ مُتَبَصِّرِ

12. For if the soul is freed from its prison,
It is as if it was never confined in its person.

١٢. فَالنَفسُ إِن هِيَ أُطلِقَت مِن سِجنِها
فَكَأَنَّها في شَخصِها لَم تُحصَرِ

13. Elongation at the waist is due to some condition,
Like shortness in the thumb and little finger.

١٣. وَالطولُ في وَسطى البَنانِ لَعِلَّةٍ
كَالنَقصِ في إِبهامِها وَالخِنصِرِ