
Did Yathrib one day inspire her ruinous state,

هل ألهمت يثرب يوما مثربها

1. Did Yathrib one day inspire her ruinous state,
That glory does not last from her relics and remains?

١. هَل أَلهَمَت يَثرِبٌ يَوماً مَثَرَّبَها
أَن لَيسَ يَخلَدُ مِن آطامِها أُطُمُ

2. She embraced men whose eyes
Were lofty, unyielding to humiliation.

٢. كانَت تَضُمُّ رِجالاً تَحتَ أَعيُنِهِم
مَعاطِسٌ لَم تُذَلَّل عِزَّها الخُطُمُ

3. Hands that, when extended in aid or to attack,
Were hands whose like would not caress gentle things.

٣. أَيدٍ إِذا بَسَطوها لِلعُلا وَصَلوا
وَأَوجُهٌ لا تُغادي مِثلَها اللُطَمُ

4. And glory nursed children, yet fate caused them to die
Before their temples turned white or they were weaned.

٤. وَأَرضَعَ المَجدُ أَطفالاً وَأَمَّلَهُم
دَهرٌ فَماتوا أُلي شَيبٍ وَما فُطِموا

5. They were violent like preying beasts, whose only food
Were their enemies, whom they eagerly sought to rend.

٥. ضَراغِمٌ كَالقُطامِيّاتِ لَيسَ لَها
إِلى أَكيلٍ سِوى أَعدائِها قَطِمُ

6. Men are like cattle driven to death by a driver,
With no will of their own, helpless and condemned.

٦. وَالناسُ مِثلُ سَوامٍ لا حُلومَ لَهُم
يَسوقُهُ لِلمَنايا سائِقٌ حُطَمُ