1. I chose my endeavor even if I found no choice
And took off with determination even if I met with heavy rain
١. تخَيّرْتُ جُهْدي لو وَجدْت خِيارَا
وطِرْتَ بعَزْمي لو أصَبْتُ مَطارا
2. I was ignorant so when ignorance was of no use
I was forbearing, so I widened the times with dignity
٢. جَهِلْتُ فلمّا لم أرَ الجهْلَ مُغْنِياً
حَلُمْتُ فأوْسَعْتُ الزّمانَ وَقارا
3. To what extent do you blame me for my own misfortunes
And multiply reproach of me openly and in secret
٣. إلى كم تَشكّاني إليّ رَكائبي
وتُكْثِرُ عَتْبي خُفْيةً وجِهارا
4. I travel with them under death and above it
So the dove of peace trips over me and falls
٤. أسِيرُ بها تحتَ المَنايا وفوْقَها
فيَسْقُطُ بي شَخْصُ الحِمامِ عِثارا
5. And whenever they met me they would reject me
They would return as the sincere friend desired, heatedly
٥. وكُنّ إذا لاقَيْنَني ليَرِدْنَني
رَجَعْنَ كما شاءَ الصّديقُ حِرارا
6. So by God the taste that soured its flavor is to God
And by God Jesus whom few befriended
٦. فللّهِ طَعْمي ما أمَرّ مَذاقَهُ
وللهِ عِيسي ما أقَلّ نِفارا
7. A dark horse whose lineage men do not know
It clothed me with a robe and veil
٧. وأسْوَدَ لم تَعْرِفْ له الإنْسُ والِداً
كَسانيَ منه حُلّةً وخِمارا
8. Waters crept into me privately, their waters
Frothing when the water of the mounts foamed
٨. سَرَتْ بيَ فيه ناجِياتٌ مِياهُها
تَجِمّ إذا ماءُ الرّكائِبِ غارا
9. So they tore the garment of the night until it was as if
I had flown with them on both my sides aflame
٩. فخَرّقْنَ ثوْبَ اللّيْلِ حتى كأنّني
أَطَرْتُ بها في جانبيْه شَرارا
10. And the moon stayed up watching me while it was as if
From fear it met perfection with concealment
١٠. وباتَتْ تُراعي البدرَ وهْوَ كأنّه
من الخَوْفِ لاقى بالكَمالِ سِرارا
11. It lagged behind the army of the dawn due to its weakness
So the army of darkness detained it shackled
١١. تأخّرَ عن جيْشِ الصّباحِ لضُعْفِه
فأوْثَقَهُ جيشُ الظّلامِ إسارا
12. And the gazelles met the gazelles, as if
The Pleiades were conversing with them in whispers
١٢. ووافَتْ رِعاناً للرِّعانِ كأنّما
تُحادِثُها الشّعْرى العَبُورُ سِرَارا
13. And the tribe's madman spent the night thinking he
Had come closer to the people of the sky by his shrine
١٣. وباتَ غَوِيُّ القوْمِ يَحْسَبُ أنّهُ
أجَدَّ إلى أهلِ السّماءِ مَزارا
14. Whenever the Simpleton extended his palm to the sparks
To light from some of the planets a fire
١٤. إذا ضَنّ زَنْدٌمَدّ بالشّخْتِ كفَّه
ليَقْبِسَ من بعضِ الكواكبِ نارا
15. Whenever my shiftless camel was tied in my abode
You would think it a resting place or its cooing an uproar
١٥. إذا قُيّدَتْ في مَنْزِلي بتَنُوفَةٍ
حَسِبْتَ مُناخاً أو طِنَتْه مُثارا
16. You'd think the snoring of sleep the growl of a deterrent
So you'd cut its tether or spend the night wakeful
١٦. تظُنّ غَطيطَ النوْمِ نَهْمَةَ زاجِرٍ
فتَقْطَعُ قَيْداً أو تَبُتّ هِجارا
17. They looked out on the expanse of a blue pasture
Nibbling around it fresh and blossoming greenery
١٧. أطَلّتْ على أرجاء أزرَقَ مُتْرَعٍ
تَنُوشُ بَريراً حوْلَه وبَهارا
18. When watered from it they would drink as if
They had drunk before, the light, a healing potion
١٨. يَمِدْنَ إذا أُسْقِينَ منه كأنما
شَرِبنَ به قَبْلَ الضّياء عُقارا
19. When the Hijazi lightning flickered they looked away
And craned when the Iraqi lightning blazed
١٩. إذا خفقَ البرْقُ الحِجازِيُّ أعْرَضَتْ
وتَرْنو إذا برْقُ العِراقِ أنارا
20. And they cooed after the vanishing as if
He had ardently winked to them for rescue
٢٠. وتأرَنُ مِن بَعدِ اللُّغوبِ كأنّه
إليها بجَدّ في النّجاءِ أشارا
21. And the ground feels from them no weight
To frighten a flock or alarm a watchman
٢١. وليْستْ تُحِسّ الأرضُ منها بوطْأةٍ
فتُفْزِعُ سِرْباً أو تَروعُ صِوارا
22. Trampling on the snake while it is prostrate
She walks on without cutting short its hissing
٢٢. تَدوسُ أفاحيصَ القطا وَهْوَ هاجِدٌ
فتَمْضي ولم تَقْطَعْ عليه غِرارا
23. And seizing the mother partridge that displayed herself heedlessly
Bringing about her an alarm and hasty flight
٢٣. وتَقْنِصُ أُمَّ الخِشْفِ ما أبَهَتْ لها
فتُحْدِثَ عنها نَبْوَةً وفِرارا
24. As if you had belittled time and its people
As slaves and were not content with the plain as a home
٢٤. كأنّكَ أصْغَرْتَ الزمانَ وأهْلَهُ
عَبيداً ولم تَرْضَ البسيطةَ دارا
25. Deaths cast shadows in your swords when sparks fly
From beneath the window screens aflame
٢٥. تَظَلّ المَنايا في سُيوفِكَ شُرّعاً
إذا النّقْعُ مِن تحتِ السّنابِكِ ثارا
26. For if the cooing of pigeons were swords
They would be seas engulfing perdition and gloom
٢٦. فإنْ عُدّ ضَحضاح الحِمامِ صَوارِمٌ
عُدِدْنَ بُحُوراً للرّدى وغِمارا
27. As if the dust of earth was not content with its honor
So it rose up seeking company in the sky
٢٧. كأنّ تُرابَ الأرضِ لم يَرْضَ عِزَّها
فأصْعَدَ يَبْغي في السماء جِوارا
28. With every buried corpse that did not graze when destiny stamped
Or drink the discharge of conception sober
٢٨. بكلّ كُميْتٍ ما رَعتْ خبَطَ الحِمى
ولا شَرِبَتْ رِسْلَ اللّقاحِ سَمارا
29. When a horseman mounted it, he thought
He had attained amidst the stars a position
٢٩. إذا ما عَلاهَا فارسٌ ظَنّ أنّه
تَبَوّأ ما بين النّجومِ قَرارا
30. And I did not see horses like them, Arabian
Pursuing a foe or defending a sanctuary
٣٠. ولم أرَ خَيْلاً مِثْلَها عَرَبيّةً
تُذِيلُ عَدُوّاً أو تصُونُ ذِمارا
31. Harsher than it against those it battled
And farther from it into the lands in flight
٣١. أشَدَّ على مَن حارَبَتْه تسلّطاً
وأبْعَدَ منها في البلادِ مُغارا
32. A triumphant one tasks it with the distant land
Erecting glory exposing no shame
٣٢. يُكَلّفُها الأرضَ البعيدةَ ماجِدٌ
يُشَيّدُ مَجْداً لا يُكشِّفُ عارا
33. Their food reddened carrion, vultures
As they used to be fed dried meat skillfully
٣٣. غَذاهُنّ مُحْمَرَّ النّجيعِ قَوارِحاً
كما كُنّ يُغْذَيْنَ الضّريبَ مِهارا
34. They heard the commotion before the neighing and did not scatter
Until they were cloaked in dust
٣٤. سمعْنَ الوَغى قبلَ الصّهيلِ وما انْسَرَتْ
مَشَايِمُها حتى اكتَسَينَ غُبارا
35. If they sprang from a rested stance, you would think it
Surging mountains or flaming heat
٣٥. إذا أفرعَتْ من ذاتِ نِيقٍ حَسِبْتَها
تُفيضُ على أهلِ الوُهودِ بِحارا
36. The obscurity of their dust blinds the birds of prey
Dropping them dead, hock and pinion
٣٦. وإن نَهَضَتْ من مطمَئنّ ظنَنْتَه
يَجيشُ جِبالاً أو يَمُجّ حِرارا
37. And in it the master feels awe so whenever
The crescents shone to his eyes he marched on
٣٧. يَغُولُ سِباعَ الطّيرِ ضَنْكُ غُبارِها
فيُسْقِطُ مَوْتَى أعْقُباً ونِسارا
38. Every skilled one guided him to what he desired
To be for the causes of attacks an artisan
٣٨. ويَجْشِمُ فيه السِّيدُ رُعْباً فكُلما
أضاءتْ لعينيه القَواضِبُ سارا
39. As if deaths were an army of scattered motes
Taking to the souls in it a passage
٣٩. هَداهُ إلى ما شاء كلّ مهَنّدٍ
يَكونُ لأسبابِ الحُتوفِ نِجارا
٤٠. كأنّ المَنايا جيشُ ذَرّ عَرَمْرَمٌ
تَخِذْنَ إلى الأرْوَاحِ فيهِ مَسارا