1. When you see a noble man as a guest of others,
Honor him generously, do not be miserly.
١. إِذا رَأَيتُم كَريماً عِندَ غَيرِكُمُ
فَأَكرِموهُ عَلى يُسرٍ وَإِنضابِ
2. The sword knows its sheath even when not drawn,
As the sheath knows the sword though never used.
٢. فَالسَيفُ تَعرِفُ ذاتُ الخِدرِ مَوضِعَهُ
مِن قَومِها وَهيَ لَم تَضرِب بِقِرضابِ
3. Evil spreads its harm after good,
As what befell Umayr from his foolhardy deeds.
٣. وَالشَرُّ يَنشُرُ بَعدَ الخَيرِ مَيِّتَهُ
كَما أَصابَ عُمَيراً ما جَنى ضابي