
My excuse from this worldly life is that it has stripped me of my virtues with its injustice,

عذيري من الدنيا عرتني بظلمها

1. My excuse from this worldly life is that it has stripped me of my virtues with its injustice,
Then granted me my strength only to take away my strength,

١. عَذيري مِنَ الدُنيا عَرَتني بِظُلمِها
فَتَمنَحَني قُوَّتي لِتَأخُذَ قُوَّتي

2. I found through it my religion debased, so it has harmed me,
And I went astray from it into deadly marshes my manliness.

٢. وَجَدتُ بِها ديني دَنِيّاً فَضَرَّني
وَأَضلَلتُ مِنها في مُروتٍ مُرُوَّتي

3. Oh my brothers, how misfortune has concluded, if only I
Had power over a matter, then count my brotherliness.

٣. أَخوتُ كَما خاتَت عُقابٌ لَو اِنَّني
قَدَرتُ عَلى أَمرٍ فَعُدِّ أُخُوَّتي

4. And I became lost in the wilderness of life, crying out
At the top of my voice, where can I seek my voice?

٤. وَأَصبَحتُ في تيهِ الحَياةِ مُنادِياً
بِأَرفَعَ صَوتي أَينَ أَطلُبُ صُوَّتي

5. And my whale keeps an eye on me while it takes me,
So why does the tide not come to wash away my whale?

٥. وَما زالَ حُوتي راصِدي وَهوَ آخِذي
فَما لِمَتابي لَيسَ يَغسِلُ حُوَّتي

6. The Lord of mankind saw me in it, following
My desires, so alas the day I inhabit my essence!

٦. رَآنِيَ رَبُّ الناسِ فيها مُتابِعاً
هَوايَ فَوَيحي يَومَ أَسكُنُ هُوَّتي

7. And there remained for me no comfort in difficulties
That turn the juicy fresh dates into dried dates.

٧. وَما بَرِحَت لي أَلوَّةٌ حَرَجِيَّةٌ
تُصَيِّرُ مِن رَطبِ العِضاهِ أَلُوَّتي

8. I disowned you, oh my sin! And who can help me, since I
Came to you, so give thanks, do not thank my fatherliness!

٨. أَبوَتُكَ يا إِثمي وَمَن لي بِأَنَّني
أَتَيتُكَ فَاِشكُر لا شَكَرتَ أُبُوَّتي