1. I see the kernel as the mirror of the wise, and he who has
As confidants the brothers will believe and lie.
١. أَرى اللُبَّ مِرآةَ اللَبيبِ وَمَن يَكُن
مَرائِيَّهُ الإِخوانُ يَصدُق وَيَكذِبِ
2. Shall I fear the torment of Allah while Allah is just,
When I have lived the life of the oppressed, the tormented?
٢. أَأَخشى عَذابَ اللَهِ وَاللَهُ عادِلٌ
وَقَد عِشتُ عَيشَ المُستَضامِ المُعَذَّبِ
3. Yes, these are the fortunes, and man is ignorant,
He disciplines from his world what was not disciplined.
٣. نَعَم إِنَّها الأَرزاقُ وَالمَرءُ جاهِلٌ
يُهَذِّبُ مِن دُنياهُ ما لَم يُهَذَّبِ
4. For the ropes of the sun are not fixed tent pegs
For one who pulls up stakes or twists what is knotted.
٤. فَإِنَّ حِبالَ الشَمسِ لَسنَ ثَوابِتاً
لِشَدِّ رِحالٍ أَو قَوابِضَ جُذَّبِ