1. I grew weary of the world in Egypt and unbelief
And who can take me to the south, the barren wilderness?
١. سَئِمتُ الكَونَ في مِصرٍ وَكَفرِ
وَمَن لي أَن أُحَلَّ جَنوبَ قَفرِ
2. I will make do when destitute with scraps
And drink, when thirsty, the oozing of wounds.
٢. أُعَلِّل حينَ أَغرَثُ بِالخُزامى
وَأَشرَبُ إِن ظَمِئتُ نَزيعَ جَفرِ
3. I see the days, the smooth sands -
Upon them ghosts of journeys.
٣. أَرى الأَيّامَ أَنضاءَ البَرايا
عَلَيها مِنهُمُ أَشباحُ سَفرِ
4. They do not glitter with a wondrous departure
Nor scatter in the morn and departure.
٤. فَما يَبرَقنَ مِن زَولٍ عَجيبٍ
وَلا يَفرَقنَ مِن صُبحٍ وَنفرِ
5. They journey with what fate has carried
Until buried in the pits of graves.
٥. يَسِرنَ بِما حَمَلنَ الدَهرَ حَتّى
يُنَخنَ بِهِم إِلى أَبياتِ حَفرِ
6. So the girl's youth once hidden
Left in need of freedom and deliverance.
٦. فَما فَرعُ الفَتاةِ إِذا تَوارَت
بِمُفتَقِرٍ إِلى سَرحٍ وَضَفرِ
7. The boy leaves her with tears flowing -
Thus go the ways of mother time.
٧. يُفارِقُها الفَتى وَالدَمعُ جارٍ
كَذاكَ جَرَت عَوائِدُ أُمُّ دَفرِ
8. She grits her teeth at the folly of her sons
And her dignity cannot be hoped for from a sword.
٨. تُحِدُّ شِفارَها لِرِدى بَنيها
وَما تُرجى كَرامَتُها لِشِفرِ
9. We sought forgiveness amid the illnesses of this life
And your Lord is deserving of benevolence and pardon.
٩. غَفَرنا بَينَ أَمراضِ الدَنايا
وَرَبُّكَ أَهلُ إِحسانٍ وَغَفرِ
10. I will leave it populated for a people,
But did she allow a transient to populate?
١٠. سَأَترُكُها مُوَفَّرَةً لِقومٍ
وَهَل سَمَحَت لِمُرتَحِلٍ بِوَفرِ
11. Take this certainty from me -
Leave the doubter to his doubting.
١١. أَلا هَذا اليَقينُ فَخُذهُ مِنّي
وَدَع لِمُمَوِّهٍ ما باتَ يَفري