
Arise to your Lord as His chosen one,

قومي إلى ربك مختارة

1. Arise to your Lord as His chosen one,
Without any guilt or sin,

١. قومي إِلى رَبِّكِ مُختارَةً
بِغَيرِ ذُنّارٍ وَزُنّارِ

2. Allah has given me honor, and I will not
Fill Paradise, but rather free from the Fire,

٢. شَرَّفَني اللَهُ وَلا آ
مُلُ الجَنَّةَ بَل عِتقاً مِنَ النارِ

3. I am worthless coins, yet in His wisdom,
He ransomed me for thousands of gold coins.

٣. ما قيمَتي فَلسٌ وَفي حِكمِ
هِ أَنِيَ أودى أَلفَ دينارِ