
My life is my quiver, and my poems are my arrows,

عيشتي سلتي ورمسي غمدي

1. My life is my quiver, and my poems are my arrows,
So bring me close to the target, but do not let me draw near,

١. عيشَتي سَلَّتي وَرَمسي غِمدي
فَاِقرُبوني فيهِ وَلا تَقرَبوني

2. Their perfume was hidden from its pearls by a shell,
So describe it with gazelle musk and ambergris.

٢. زَبَّنَتها عَن دَرِّها أُمُّ دَفرٍ
فَصِفوها بِالحَيزَبونِ الزَبونِ

3. And I saw survival in it, though it passes quickly
Like the dowry before union, a mere down payment,

٣. وَرَأَيتُ البَقاءَ فيها وَإِن مُد
دَ لِوَشكِ الحِمامِ كَالعُربونِ

4. For in evil, know that there are still good things,
And men's love is above all jewels.

٤. إِنَّ في الشَرِّ فَاِعلَموهُ خَياراً
وَحُبونُ الرِجالِ فَوقَ الحُبونُ

5. The state of the deceived with what they encounter
Is not like those who bend and those who cheat.

٥. لَيسَ حالُ المَخبولِ فيما يُلاقي
مِثلَ حالِ المَطوِيِّ وَالمَخبونِ

6. People and life are an open market for them,
With some who lose and some who profit.

٦. وَهُمُ الناسُ وَالحَياةُ لَهُم سو
قٌ فَمِن غابِنٍ وَمِن مَغبونِ

7. The poor wretch who carries offal
Has he not come to esteem the son of Labun?

٧. هَرمَ البازِلُ الَّذي يَحمِلُ العِب
أَ فَأَمسى يَعُزُّهُ اِبنُ اللَبونِ

8. How much steam and daylight have we traversed,
As if time creeps like a lizard!

٨. كَم قَطَعنا مِن حِندِسٍ وَنَهارٍ
وَكَأَنَّ الزَمانَ في دَيدَبونِ

9. May God pasture a neighbor who would not
Turn away from a downpour whose drops are clear.

٩. فَرَعى اللَهُ جيرَةً ما تَناءَوا
عَن رَحيبٍ لَبانُهُ مَلبونِ

10. They excited me, and the son of Sabra in Sabra
Is none but the death of the aroused one.

١٠. أَطرَبوني وَما اِبنُ سَبرَةَ في السَب
رَةِ إِلّا مَنِيَّةُ الأَطرَبونِ