
O steed of women, how many horsemen have fallen

يا حصان النساء كم فارسا ول

1. O steed of women, how many horsemen have fallen
At your hooves, you have only given birth to graves

١. يا حَصانَ النِساءِ كَم فارِساً وُل
دُكِ مَه إِنَّما وَلَدتِ قُبورا

2. Whoever desires survival while still a lover
Must ready their heart to be patient

٢. مَن أَرادَ البَقاءَ وَهوَ حَبيبٌ
فَليُعِدَّن لِلحُزنِ قَلباً صَبورا

3. If the wise Thabit had known what I knew
He would have called the harm of life disgraceful ruin

٣. لَو دَرى بِالَّذي عَلِمتُ ثَبيرٌ
لَدَعا مِن أَذى الحَياةِ ثُبورا

4. You see nothing in time except a slain man
Or a captive bound for his waiting tomb

٤. ما تَرى في الزَمانِ إِلّا قَتيلاً
أَو أَسيراً لِحَتفِهِ مَصبورا

5. People crossed over a bridge ahead of me
And I remained, not wanting to pass over

٥. عَبَرَ الناسُ فَوقَ جِسرٍ أَمامي
وَتَخَلَّفتُ لا أُريدُ عُبورا

6. God, creator of nations, inspired the poets
Humiliation and crossing over with poetry

٦. أَشعَرَ اللَهُ خالِقُ الأُمَمِ الشِع
رى الغُمَيصاءَ ذِلَّةً وَالعَبورا

7. The pious mother loves David
And David loves the world, reciting psalms

٧. وَتُحِبُّ الأُمُّ الخَلوبَ وَداوو
دُ يَحِبُّ الدُنيا وَيَتلو الزَبورُ

8. We all bear witness, God leads everyone
Hoping with weak opinion to pass over

٨. كُلُّنا يَشهَدُ الإِلهُ كَسيرٌ
يَتَرَجّى بِضُعفِ رَأيٍ جُبورا

9. We have experienced, so how can one be fooled
By what we have already known well

٩. قَد خَبَرنا فَكَيفَ يُغتَرُّ بِالشَيءِ
الَّذي باتَ عِندَنا مَخبورا