
The skills of your archers, O tribe of Tha'labah,

أرمى وجدك من رامي بني ثعل

1. The skills of your archers, O tribe of Tha'labah,
Are shields against which the water troughs and ewes huddle.

١. أَرمى وَجَدِّكَ مِن رامي بَني ثُعَلٍ
حَتفٌ لَدَيهِ إِزاءُ الحَوضِ وَالعُقُرُ

2. They attack the enemies with loathing in this life, so they discipline them,
Disciplining them as Qays disciplined those who would not make amends.

٢. يَغشاهُمُ الكُرهُ في الدُنيا فَآدِبُهُم
مِنهُ كَآدِبِ قَيسٍ لَيسَ يَنتَقِرُ

3. If they are requited for sins which earned them Hellfire,
Hellfire does not pity them for their sins.

٣. إِن عُوِّضوا بِذُنوبٍ أُسلِفَت سَقَراً
فَلَم تَرُمهُم عَلى عِلّاتِها سَقَرُ

4. God enriched them with wealth but impoverished them
Of guidance, so they did not become independent, but rather grew dependent.

٤. أَغناهُمُ اللَهُ مِن مالٍ وَأَفقَرَهُم
مِنَ الرَشادِ فَما اِستَغنَوا بَل اِفتَقَروا

5. They look down on the brother of death among them,
Yet the one they look down upon is better than them.

٥. وَيَحقِرونَ أَخا الإِعدامِ بَينَهُمُ
وَإِنَّ أَفضَلَ مِنهُم لِلَّذي اِحتَقَروا

6. It is as if lifetime is a path which Fate has extended,
In which there are neither pearls nor poverty.

٦. كَأَنَّما العَمرُ سِلكٌ مَدَّهُ قَدَرٌ
فيهِ الفَواقِرُ لا دُرٌّ وَلا فِقَرُ

7. The fire burned fiercely like an unmarried woman
Whom the fetters prevent from her bridewealth, and so she is not still.

٧. وَلاجَتِ النارُ كَالشَقراءِ يَحبِسُها
عَن مُهرِها القَيدُ وَهناً فَهيَ لا تَقِرُ

8. It appeared at night like the eye of a cock above the rubbish heap,
Or like its crest in a place below which is a sheep pen.

٨. بَدَت بِلَيلٍ كَعَينِ الديكِ عَن شَحطٍ
أَو عُرفِهَ بِمَحَلٍّ دَونَهُ أُقَرُ

9. The wind makes the departing camels quake around it,
Shedding tears copiously where they had camped.

٩. يُعاقِرُ الراحَ شَربٌ حَولَها سُهُدٌ
تَروي التُرابَ نَجيعاً سُوقُ ما عَقَروا