
I grieved for the twilights that adorned it

أسيت على الذوائب أن علاها

1. I grieved for the twilights that adorned it
My daytime shirt has ascension

١. أَسَيتُ عَلى الذَوائِبِ أَن عَلاها
نَهارِيُّ القَميصِ لَهُ اِرتِقاءُ

2. Perhaps its blackness is unclean upon it
And the purity of white has purity

٢. لَعَلَّ سَوادَها دَنَسٌ عَلَيها
وَإِنقاءُ المُسِنِّ لَهُ نَقاءُ

3. And this world that was loved and pained
Thus is love known as misery

٣. وَدُنيانا الَّتي عُشِقَت وَأَشقَت
كَذاكَ العِشقُ مَعروفاً شَقاءُ

4. We asked it to stay despite its harm
But it said, "Remaining upon you is forbidden"

٤. سَأَلناها البَقاءَ عَلى أَذاها
فَقالَت عَنكُمُ حُظِرَ البَقاءُ

5. Separation has occurred so when is the proximity
And between is vast so when is the meeting

٥. بُعادٌ واقِعٌ فَمَتى التَداني
وَبَينٌ شاسِعٌ فَمَتى اللِقاءُ

6. And your armor if it protects you from a people's arrows
Then it is not protection on any day

٦. وَدِرعُكَ إِن وَقَتكَ سِهامَ قَومٍ
فَما هِيَ مِن رَدى يَومٍ وِقاءُ

7. And I am not like one who speaks without knowledge
Equal from you is death and caution

٧. ولَستُ كَمَن يَقولُ بِغَيرِ عِلمٍ
سِواءٌ مِنكَ فَتكٌ وَاِتِّقاءُ

8. For the noon prayer has become obligatory upon you
When the water carrier comes to you with water

٨. فَقَد وَجَبَت عَلَيكَ صَلاةُ ظُهرٍ
إِذا وافاكَ بِالماءِ السَقاءُ

9. It has wasted your resolves and lonelinesses
And the individuals of stars are most gentle friends

٩. لَقَد أَفنَت عَزائِمَكَ الدَياجي
وَأَفرادُ الكَواكِبِ أَرفِقاءُ

10. So my companionship to reach death together
While we are most truthful friends

١٠. فَيا سِربي لِتُدرِكنا المَنايا
وَنَحنُ عَلى السَجِيَّةِ أَصدِقاءُ

11. I see a sip of life is a bitter thing
So witness the truth of that when you take heed

١١. أَرى جَرعَ الحَياةِ أَمَرَّ شَيءٍ
فَشاهِد صِدقَ ذَلِك إِذ تُقاءُ