1. I see a drop of honey among bitter aloes
And a kernel calling out to the perceptive "Be wise!"
١. أَرى جُزءَ شُهدٍ بَينَ أَجزاءِ عَلقَمِ
وَلُبّاً يُنادي بِاللَبيبِ لَتَعقُمِ
2. And cures for religion, if their healing is hoped for
A healthy one results whose distress lasts and becomes chronic
٢. وَأَسقامَ دينٍ إِن يُرَجِّ شِفائَها
صَحيحٌ يَطُل مِنهُ العَناءُ وَيَسقُمُ
3. Morning and nightfall are as though their lengths
Were, in their two colors, the cold of a spear's blade
٣. وَصُبحاً وَإِظلاماً كَأَنَّ مَداهُما
مِنَ السِرِّ في لَونَيهِما بُردُ أَرقَمِ
4. And a decree for this age cried out to one rising
From the world "Sit still or get up, seated one, stand!"
٤. وَحُكماً لِهَذا الدَهرِ صاحَ بِقائِمٍ
مِنَ العالَمِ اِجلُس أَو دَعا جالِساً قُمِ
5. It's as though the soul's joy from a youth's mistake
Whenever it's blamed on him and avenged
٥. كَأَنَّ سُرورَ النَفسِ مِن خَطَأ الفَتى
مَتى ما يَكُن يُنكَر عَلَيهِ وَيُنقَمِ